Where do you get Transition-FX ?


New member

I am wondering where i could get my hands on transition-type effects, like transitions from verse to chorus, chorus to bridge etc..

I´ve tried using effects from Xpand 2 and some other softwares, but it´s nothing like the ones i hear on top productions, like for instance Chris Brown´s "Turn Up The Music" and so on.

Are there any software that comes with these types of effects? I know of some Native Instruments stuff that i saw online, like Evolve Mutations and Damage, but it´s all for cinematic stuff.
I´m finding it really hard to find just these specific types of transition effects that´s in the chart´s..

I find most of the FX that comes with software like Xpand etc, to be useless in productions.. although they might fit perfectly for cinematic stuff.

Any thoughts on this?
In that Chris Brown song all I hear are a bunch of white noise sweeps. You can make those effects yourself pretty easily. Just YouTube some tutorials for white noise sweeps or white noise builds and you should be able to find a tutorial specific to your DAW.
So much of music production is just applying really simple tools in clever ways.

Guitar doesn't sound good enough? Layer on 30 more of it!
Vocal levels not consistent enough? Ride the fader the entire song!

I think that´s very very true Steve!

It´s really all about the end-result.. although some people LOVE debating what´s wrong or right in productions..