Where do you get Neoprene Pads?


New member
Hey all. I am looking for the pads to attach to the floor joist in a floating floor. Can anyone tell me where to get them or what I can use.

You can buy the expensive, custom ones from a place like auralex...

On the other hand, places like Home Depot sell "anti-fatigue" mats for people sho do lots of work standing next to power tools. These mats just happen to be 1" or so thick of neoprene rubber, and are cheap. A mat or two and a bit of time with a sharp utility knife and you have a bunch of rubber isolators. ;)


I'm constructing a floating floor for my humble homestudio and I'm using these ones (see attach). It's used to put under big machines (industrial application), it carries 30kg, has a hardness of 57° Shore (between hard and soft rubber) and costs about 4€ in Belgium.

It's from Overtoom International, a supplier of office furniture, industrial stuff etc... but they cover mainly Europe, so you'll need to seek for a US equivalent supplier.

Just thought I give the info.

Greetz and good luck,
The Niz


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