where can i get promo glossys printed?

i'm located in cleveland, ohio. does a photo studio provide this service if you take your picture there? or do i take the picture and send it off somewhere to get it done? someone told me they heard of somewhere you can get 500 for 80 bucks. i don't know. let me know if you know anything. thanks!
Ralf- I almost missed this part of your post:

"does a photo studio provide this service if you take your picture there? or do i take the picture and send it off somewhere to get it done?"

As a pro photographer, I may be a bit biased, but I would advise you NOT to take the photo yourself, unless you're a pro. Portrait photography is a fine art, and not for the amateur. Lighting, lenses, poses; all of this takes a vast amount of experience to be done well. Hire a pro to take a variety of shots, then select from the proofs. Make sure (in writing) that you get the negatives (If film) or high res TIFF files (if digital), after the shoot. Otherwise, the photog will own the copyright on the pics and you'll have to pay him/her again to get reprints. Wedding photogs are notorious for this - it's how they make their real money.
There should be several band photogs in Cleveland - check the local music papers. Break a leg!

im working on a girls album cover right now and i can tell u doing it yourself is alot cheaper. get a really good black and white portrait done of yourself download it on your computer look up jasc paint shop pro they have free 30 day trial downloads( full software cost $100)but its well worth it. edit your photo any way you want even put a message on it and print it on glossy photo paper. thing to remember make sure your printer settings are right; photo paper,best print ect. if u have a relitively new printer, 700dpi or more, u can get a great print for a lot less money and a little work. hope this helps
", u can get a great print for a lot less money "

The link I provided will give you 1000 B/W Litho prints for $300.
You couldn't do that on an injet printer with photo paper. Also, unless your using archival ink, that photo paper print is going to deteriorate as soon as it comes in contact with sunlight. The litho won't.
Your promo material is the first thing people see that represents you. Home-made stuff looks just like that - home-made. It's your image. Do you want to look professional? Then hire a pro to shoot and print your promos.

Good luck.