Where can i advertise here?


New member
Hello everyone,
I'm an unsigned artists, in the middle of my learning curve. i read here a lot and now i might want to reach new crowds.
Is there any place here on the forums where i can let people know about my music, my Youtube channel, new songs and videos i have?

i don't wanna spam, and don't wanna appear as a douchbag salesman.
This is the wrong place to do that. This place is about home recording. If you want opinions/advice about yuor mixes, you can post them in the MP3 Clinic section.

Go to places like Reverbnation, Bandmix, etc.
People here are interested in learning about recording and listen to other's stuff generally to help that process. You're wasting your time if you think you're going to get hits etc. from posting anything here...
You've been here for two years and never noticed this:
Marketing Your Music / Publicity ?

lol :p

According to the rules posted there, as long as you're just promoting your music (no commercial services or products), you're allowed to do it in there. I'd take others advice and promote elsewhere, too - you won't get very many eyes on your threads here (but you never know....).
Yup, the Marketing/Publicity forum was set up to announce new albums, new songs, etc. However, advertising to a bunch of pennyless musicians is a hard sell.

It's nice you asked first.

Good luck.
Thanks for the information guys. anyone of you maybe have a good idea about where can i advertise my youtube channel and videos more efficiently? i mean, besides the usual Facebook platform, and my usual musicians forum, iv'e seem to hit a brick wall as it comes to marketing :)
Get your songs on Pandora

I think Reverbnation has a bunch of marketing stuff

oh you can put your songs on LiveFrequency :) check my sig link
from the little i know iTunes is a bit of a headache isn't it? you need to go through all bunch of legal stuff- and i'm not there yet i'm afraid..
or maybe i'm just exaggerating?
google it, try finding out at least you'll get paid for your tracks if they sell.
It can't be that hard a 16 yr old boy i record did it himself and made a small profit.