Where are the old audio view functions in Sonar?


New member
In PA9, double clicking on any digital audio opened the 'Audio' view, where you could quickly manipulate an audio file just as if you were using a wav editor: select a portion, cut, paste,
fade, etc. .. all using your mouse.
Where are these functions in Sonar?
In Sonar's Loop construction view it's all about Groove clips and Loops (none of which I need), but I don't see a way to do simple wav file editing like before. I can't even select a portion of the audio file to process; the entire file is always selected.

Is there another place with a 'new' name I need to find?
They wouldn't have left these easy functions OUT of Sonar would they?
You edit your audio directly in the Track View in Sonar. The Audio View from PA9 is gone. Once you get used to it, the Track View has the same functionality as the Audio View, plus the advantage of not having to switch views.

Essentially you should never have to leave Track View while using Sonar (except for midi functions, such as the Piano Roll View or Staff View).
Yeah, I've been looking for it and pissed about its disappearance too but as Dach says: when you get used to it you don't miss it anymore...

Tip: use the magnifier the select the bit you want to edit. Works much faster.
And if you need to do some serious editing, just open it in SoundForge or Cool Edit (Tools-> SoundForge, if you have it. To get Cool Edit into the Tools-menu, do a search on this forum for information.)
