What's your Tascam product?

Hey everyone! My name is Gerry. I just started school for Studio Recording and sound Design. Now I'm in the works of buying a Tascam DM-3200...but have a problem. I need to ship an Original DM3200 box to the guy I 'm buying the unit from...he's in Miami....well close to it. Can anyone help!
The owner and I have the same problem.....we wouldn't like any damage to come to such I nice console in transit....that's why I'm asking for your help. If anyone has a box for the Dm-3200 and wouldn't mind parting with it . I would be grateful for your help...I'll pay for shipping to sent it to him. Then I could get to work picking your great minds, and learning some new shortcut in Recording, Mixing and Mastering.
Well thanks to all.
P.S If you have a box you can email me at gmcobra@gmail.com
Be Safe

Why don't you just post him the packing materials from inside the box, the polystyrene, blocks etc, and when he gets them he just needs any box about the same size, or he can cut down a larger box and tape it together?

38 1/2" 8 track Reel to Reel
32 1/4" stereo 1/2 track Reel to Reel
2 - 388s 1/4" 8 track 7.5 ips Reel to Reels with built in mixer
M-30 8x4 mixer
80-8 1/2" 8 track Reel to Reel with DX-8 DBX unit
3340 1/4" 15 ips 4 track Reel to Reel
A-3340s 1/4" 15 ips 4 track Reel to Reel with DBX 155 unit
A-2340SX 1/4" 7.5 ips 4 track Reel to Reel
A-4010S 1/4" stereo 1/4 track auto reverse Reel to Reel
X-300R 1/4" stereo 1/4 track auto reverse Reel to Reel
X-3R 1/4" stereo 1/4 track auto reverse Reel to Reel
W-850R HX Pro dual auto reverse Cassette DeckDSCN3162.jpg


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One question.

Why have you got a Billy Corgan cut-out behind the 3340S?

haha! That's not Billy Corgan. That's my head on a Mini Me cutout! I was working at a sign shop many years ago and I came to work one morning to be greeted by that guy. Gets a lot of laughs.
What's left of Tascam gear:

Porta-03 mkII
424 mkIII
TEAC W512SB(Tascam CD-RW 788) SCSI
RC30-P : Footswitch
Forgot to mention a Teac receiver AG something or other and Teac a A-3300SX.

For cobra427: look in the analog forum at the packing and shipping thread. Also, you might consider a freight company for a larger item. That was how I received my M-520, huge box, and a semi delivered it. Costs a lot, but it came in one piece (well two unit and PSU were in sep boxes...)

For JasonG, nice setup, what is that top mono(?) synth?
Forgot to mention a Teac receiver AG something or other and Teac a A-3300SX.
Ooh I'd love to get that deck! I'd swap out my Tascam 32 for a 3300 as a mastering deck in a heartbeat. The A-3300SX is a 1/2 track mastering deck if I recall correctly?
For JasonG, nice setup, what is that top mono(?) synth?
Thanks! That top synth is a MicroMoog! LOVE IT! A good buddy gave it to me in trade for fixing some of his gear. That thing is sick!
Ooh I'd love to get that deck! I'd swap out my Tascam 32 for a 3300 as a mastering deck in a heartbeat. The A-3300SX is a 1/2 track mastering deck if I recall correctly?

There are two variants the A-3300SX (1/4 track 3 3/4 and 7.5 ips) and the A-3300SX-2T (1/2 track 7.5 and 15ips) I don't have the half track version, but it is a sweet sounding hifi deck nonetheless, even at 7.5 ips.

Thanks! That top synth is a MicroMoog! LOVE IT! A good buddy gave it to me in trade for fixing some of his gear. That thing is sick!

Oooooh. Unless you rebuilt his Novachord I'm thinking you got the better end of that deal!! I thought it looked Moogy, but couldn't place it. I'm more of an ARP guy though. (Mods vs Rockers, Beatles vs Stones....)
I've recently bought a cheap Tascam 38 I'm hoping to bring back to life in order to record the band I'm in and various local bands that I like listening to.
Got it because Tascam judged from looking at forums like this seems to be THE machine to get if you can't afford a Studer, Otari or Ampex multitrack.
This machine cost me about the same as a new half inch tape and got a reputation for being a lovely affordable machine - with a gooey pinch roller :p

Nice studio Jason G! All these machines and the Juno 60 - you're a lucky guy! How does eight tracks on 1/4" sound? If it sounds great it's a lot of money saved on tape expenses.
I've recently bought a cheap Tascam 38 I'm hoping to bring back to life in order to record the band I'm in and various local bands that I like listening to.
Got it because Tascam judged from looking at forums like this seems to be THE machine to get if you can't afford a Studer, Otari or Ampex multitrack.
This machine cost me about the same as a new half inch tape and got a reputation for being a lovely affordable machine - with a gooey pinch roller :p

I have a TASCAM 38 as well and its a great deck. They can be problematic in the relay and cold solder joint department if they've been sitting for a long time. A belt and pinch roller replacement is standard with these as well.

Nice studio Jason G! All these machines and the Juno 60 - you're a lucky guy! How does eight tracks on 1/4" sound? If it sounds great it's a lot of money saved on tape expenses.

Thanks! Well I do most of my tracking on the TEAC 80-8 1/2" 8 track and I save money on tape by 1) buying it in pancakes and 2) once my tracks are done I dump it into Logic and record over the tape! I get ALOT of mileage out of each reel. As far as the TASCAM 388 1/4" 8 track sound, it is really, really cool! A bit lower-fi but has a warmth and character that is quite legendary! Great for a more retro 60's/70's funk/soul/reggae sound. It also tracks at 7.5 ips so the low end is terrific and with the DBX(which I personally love) the noise is not an issue. Different machines for different colors! All of em quite useful!
I just got a 2488 Neo off eBay today, my first ever Tascam product. Before this, I had a Vestax 4-track cassette deck, then moved on to a home version of Cakewalk around 2000. After one too many computer mishaps, I decided I wanted a dedicated piece of hardware I could just do my recording on without the headaches that come with computers.

Just ran thru some basics and can't wait to dig deeper! I'll probably be asking some questions here before too long... :)
I started on a Ross 4-track in the mid-eighties and then to a PortaStudio after a couple of years of the Ross. I'll never forget that Ross, but I digress.

I used the Porta for several years and then bought a better four track machine and a six channel desk but I can't remember the brand. This was in the late eighties. The deck was mounted over the mixer. Not a bad rig but nothing stellar either. I really wish I could remember that brand.

I took a decade off and then bought a 488 MkII used. I had a lot of fun with this machine but I was getting tired of the cassette sound and it's limitations.

Then I bought a 38 and an M-1516 and thought I died and went to analog heaven. Those were the best recording I'd ever done to date. I was floored upon hearing the final product and couldn't wipe the grin off my face.

Now the 38 is ailing, getting old like me, and I am discouraged by the channel card relay troubles I'm having, and the M-1516 is wearing too.

Enter the DTRS ala TASCAM DA-88 and M-2524 that hasn't arrived yet. Don't know what to make of these two TASCAM products yet, except to say I shouldn't have any trouble finding my way around the console. Digital tape is going to be a whole new experience for me though. If this machine takes a dump I'll probably give in to computer recording depending upon the repair costs. It would cost plenty more for a computer recording setup that would satisfy me, than the cost to repair one of these machines.
After a few trials and tribulations with Ebay purchases, I now have a few TEAC/Tascam products that actually work:

Tascam 424 Mk II
TEAC M-09 mixer
Tascam M-06 mixer
TEAC "Tascam Series" Model 1 rack mixer
Tascam PB-32P patchbay
Tascam PB-32H patchbay
Tascam PB-32W patchbay

And coming soon:

Tascam MM-1 mixer
Just bought a US-428 for $26 from Music Go Round. I couldn't believe the price. They swear there's nothing wrong with it. We shall see. :D
Just bought a US-428 for $26 from Music Go Round. I couldn't believe the price. They swear there's nothing wrong with it. We shall see. :D

Hey diggy dude,...
When you get it all hooked up,...Can you find out if the US-428 can control faders on a D.A.W. in real time?...and what programs (D.A.W.'s) it's compatible with?
I've been interested in getting one of these for this reason.
I do have a US-122,..but I like the fact that the US-428 has faders.
I'm not an "in the box" type of guy,..but for when I am,...I'd like to be able to mix like I'm using an analog console.
Hey diggy dude,...
When you get it all hooked up,...Can you find out if the US-428 can control faders on a D.A.W. in real time?...and what programs (D.A.W.'s) it's compatible with?
I've been interested in getting one of these for this reason.
I do have a US-122,..but I like the fact that the US-428 has faders.
I'm not an "in the box" type of guy,..but for when I am,...I'd like to be able to mix like I'm using an analog console.

That's what draws me to the US-428 over some of Tascam's "knobby" offerings like the US-122. I had my first one working in Reaper with a third-party plugin. Reaper doesn't support the US-428 natively, so this guy on the Reaper forum wrote his own driver. (It didn't work with any of the "generic" drivers supported by Reaper at all.) The device apparently had a faulty fader, as evidenced by the fact that the fader in question emitted no MIDI message when monitored in MIDI-OX. If I have the same problem with this one, I'll know there's something wrong with the Reaper plugin and not the US-428.

Incidentally, I can't find the thread where the guy posted his US-428 plugin anymore. I hope I still have the file! :eek:
There isn't a compatibility list per se in the manual, but we can infer from the table of contents that it works with:

Cubase VST (Mac/Windows)
Nuendo (Mac/Windows)
ProTools (Mac/Windows)
Digital Performer (Mac)
Native Instruments B4
Cool Edit
"Four Control Banks" mode
There isn't a compatibility list per se in the manual, but we can infer from the table of contents that it works with:

Cubase VST (Mac/Windows)
Nuendo (Mac/Windows)
ProTools (Mac/Windows)
Digital Performer (Mac)
Native Instruments B4
Cool Edit
"Four Control Banks" mode

Right on. Thanks for the report!
I have the very first editions of ProFools & FreeBase,..
so I'm wonderin' if they will be compatible due to the fact
that I think the US-428 may have come out around the same time?
Yeah, I think any version of a DAW that came out at around the same time as the US-428 would have a better than average chance of being compatible. We can hope the newer versions retained that compatibility as well.
Fortunately, I do still have the Reaper plugin. I just uploaded it to my server as backup in case my local system crashes. PM me if you need it. If I remember correctly, all you have to do is drop it into your Reaper plugins folder, restart Reaper, and select it from the device list.