what's your favorite drum sound?


New member
i thought this would be nice to disscuss...

my favorite drum sound is probably a throw up between Mike Portnoy on Metropolis 2, or Danny Carey on ANY tool album.

i was just listening to Elderly woman behind... by pearl jam, off their second album - five against one, and i think i like that drum sound better than ANY drum recording i've ever heard. everything seems to be perfect for that song. god how i'd love to know how to make my stuff sound like that.

What's everyones favorite drum recording???

It's interesting that your favorite drum sound could be off any Tool album. Each album has a pretty distinct drum sound. I guess you could say Opiate and Undertow are more alike and Ænima and Lateralus are more alike, but they're all different. I prefer Lateralus' drum sound - I think Danny has my favorite tom sound and the best sounding electronic drums. I also think his cymbal sound is my favorite, due mostly to the excellent seperation between the cymbals on the recording.

Other than that, some of my fav drum sounds would be Stewart Copeland off of Synchronicity, Matt Chamberlain off of Fiona Apple's When the Pawn..., and Chad Sexton on Transistor.
ACDC - You Shook Me All Nite Long
Fight-War of Words
Judas Priest - Painkiller
The Meatmen - Rock and Roll Juggernaut
Black Sabbath - Dehumanizer
MD45 - The Craving
Gin Blossoms - New Miserable Experience
In no order:

Mike Bordin, Faith No More - Angel Dust
Carter Beauford, DMB - Any
Chad Smith, RHCP - Blood Sugar Sex Magic
Nick Mason, Pink Floyd - Pulse
Dave Weckl - Any
Danny Carey, Tool - Laterlus
pipelineaudio said:
ACDC - You Shook Me All Nite Long
Fight-War of Words
Judas Priest - Painkiller
The Meatmen - Rock and Roll Juggernaut
Black Sabbath - Dehumanizer
MD45 - The Craving
Gin Blossoms - New Miserable Experience

"We're 5 bees in the bonnet of the human race, twisting USA youths into....!"

Man, that's a heavily gated drumsound, but you're right, the sound on "Rock and Roll Juggernaut" is awesome! I love the Kickdrum, because it cuts through really well, but it doesn't fight with the bass guitar for a place in the mix.
Hail Tesco Vee!
You should check out "Pope on a Rope"...that's got a KILLER drumsound, and it's kind of like the sound on "War of Words"..I don't know who that drummer is (I never really paid attention to anybody in the band after the original guys left) but he's really good.
Also, Tesco Vee's Hate Police has a good drumsound.

Mel Gaynor-Simple Minds "Dont you...... forget about me..... do do don't you.......forget about me!!"
The Counting Crows album with "Mr. Jones". Holy crap that drum sound is awesome!

no particular order

chad smith - blood sugar sex magik especially

cliff martinez (rhcp freaky styley album)

jeffery clemens from g love and special sauce, he has the sweetest snare drum

phil rudd on back in black

billy cobham (monster toms!)

carter beauford - his new snare drum especially!

george hurley from minutemen
how do you suppose he got that kind of separation between cymbals???
i would say lateralus is carey's pinnacle of sound. but Ænima's drums are for some reason more ambient, less clear maybe? but certainly not in a lacking way, more a "part" of the music. lateralus' drums stand out alot more. their more seprate. both albums posess an equally good drum sound.

i wonder how he gets his recordings to sound so "real". everything i've done sounds like, i dunno, fake in a way, but only on the recording side. my drums can sound great and my recordings never sound like a set in a room, like what it sounds like when i'm listening to someone playing a set in a room. when i put in an album like Ænima, it sounds like i'm listening to a drummer playing in front of me. when i listen to my recordings it sound like the drums are on tape. or flat, like on paper rather than in 3d, ya know? it doesn;t sound like i'm listening to a set being playing in front of me, thats all i know...
vaughn said:
no particular order...
jeffery clemens from g love and special sauce, he has the sweetest snare drum

george hurley from minutemen

clemens' drum sound is killer...particularly on G Love's first record

I love george hurley!! though, I don't think that his drum sounds with the minuteman were anything to crow about - his drum sounds on firehose records were great (particularly 'from ohio' and 'flyin' the flannel')

others that jump to mind immediately-

-Jimmy Cobb - on Miles' 'Kind of Blue' - just a perfect simple, minimalist drum recording....
-Lenny White - on Return to Forever's 'Romantic Warrior' - I normally don't like overprocessed drums - but his wet-sounding toms are amazing (great snare sound too)...perfectly fits this record
-Gary Husband - on Alan Holdsworth's 'IOU'
- Todd Trainer - on any Shellac record - Steve Albini at his best....natural, huge, great drum sound

geez, I could go on for days...
pratt said:

I love george hurley!! though, I don't think that his drum sounds with the minuteman were anything to crow about - his drum sounds on firehose records were great (particularly 'from ohio' and 'flyin' the flannel')

my bad (whatever that means), I did mean fIREHOSE. I love his cymbal work especially. I think he uses UFIP, they're very nice! what I love about his drum sound on the firehose recordings is that he plays so fast but so softly most of the time, it's brilliant.

have you ever seen them live? I saw them a couple times in seattle in the early 90s. they blew my mind! incredible performance and energy. I can't think of another band who brought that particular vibe. very unique brand of music, that's why they're one of my alltime favs.

vaughn said:
have you ever seen them live? I saw them a couple times in seattle in the early 90s. they blew my mind! incredible performance and energy. I can't think of another band who brought that particular vibe. very unique brand of music, that's why they're one of my alltime favs.

unfortunately, I was never able to see 'em live...I got into firehose right around the time of 'flyin' the flannel', when I was poor college student going to school 3+hrs. away from the closest firehose appearance....I've seen Watt a few times - all great shows - but man, oh man, do I wish that hurley was still playin' with him

I think that the band are amazing both as individuals and as a collective whole and can only imagine what seeing them live must have been like! they're definitely one of my alltime favorites as well and hurley has been a huge influence on my drumming (particulary his cymbal work!)

'flyin' the flannel' is definitely on my list of "if you had to choose 10 and only 10 records to listen to for the rest of your life..."
how do you suppose he got that kind of separation between cymbals...i wonder how he gets his recordings to sound so "real".
I assume the seperation is from a lot of mics, mixed to absolute perfection (David Bottril is the man). What's kind of interesting is that Danny has two large PA speakers right behind him while he records, as seen here:

The PA speakers have his drums run through them which get picked up in the mics. David says this gives the drums a very live sound, but it seems like it would be a mixing nightmare. Danny did say in an interview that his drums on Lateralus have less eq than on Ænima, which has a bassier drum sound. He said this was in an effort to make his drums sound more like they do when the band rehearses.
Not to say that I have a "favorite" sound, but I can never argue that the drums on any of Zappa's work are always superb and anything Billy Martin does tends to sound just like I wish I could...:cool:
Barometer said:
...anything Billy Martin does tends to sound just like I wish I could...:cool:

billy martin is a great player but how can you pin down his sound? MMWs recordings are all so diverse ;-)

vaughn said:

billy martin is a great player but how can you pin down his sound? MMWs recordings are all so diverse ;-)


agree to a point.....
most of the billy martin drum sounds, with the exception of the latest record 'uninvisible', tend to be real natural, un-effected sounds....which tend to be right along the lines of what I like

now, the drum sounds on 'uninvisible' I don't like nearly as much as those on earlier records - not sure how to describe what I don't like other than maybe calling them too 'lo-fi' sounding.....billy's still a genius though!!:D
billy martin is a great player but how can you pin down his sound? MMWs recordings are all so diverse ;-)

Originally posted by pratt

most of the billy martin drum sounds, with the exception of the latest record 'uninvisible', tend to be real natural, un-effected sounds....which tend to be right along the lines of what I like

This is exactly what I meant. Not that they are the same every time, and I think I mentioned that I don't really have a favorite sound. But that natural feel that all his recordings have, kind of like you're standing right there on the floor near him, I've seen them quite a bit and he gets that same feel live, I just love it. :D

...that natural feel that all his recordings have, kind of like you're standing right there on the floor near him, I've seen them quite a bit and he gets that same feel live, I just love it. :D

I love when a drummer will do that for a recording. the live feel from the studio is hard to come by these days. george hurley's work is like that too, I guess that's why I'm such a huge fan. billy martin gets around the kit so comfortably too, he's incredible. I've never seen them but would in a minute if they were anywhere near here.

I'd have to add stanton moore to the list if we're going in this direction. that guy is all over the kit and is soooo solid.
