Whats your dream guitar either acoustic or electric

From 1976 to 2002, I owned an original vintage 1958 Fender Stratocaster. It was my first guitar -- I learned on it. I payed $400 for it in '76. It was my baby, my dream guitar. Over the years, I found myself playing my '79 Ibanez acoustic more and more, to the extent that I wasn't playing my Strat all that much. Then, in the fall of 2001, my house got broken into. Fortunately, I had my Strat tucked away at the time, but my trusty, beater Ibanez was stolen (along with other things). I went shopping for a replacement (insurance), and although I was only looking for a $500 acoustic, I found myself venturing into the high-end acoustic guitar rooms, trying all the brands, but realizing I was still many years away from being able to afford my dream acoustic. A week after the break-in, through coincidence, I found out who broke-in (a local teenager who I'd coached, been his cub leader, etc. -- ended-up doing "restorative justice" with him rather than calling the cops -- I had him dig out my septic tank; take a pick and shovel to my to fix my 750' private dirt road; and enter a drug addiction program -- he's now turned his life around). Anyhow, even though I got my Ibanez back, I couldn't get the high-end acoustics out of my mind -- especially the Taylor 814c. But how could I afford to buy one? Well, I did some soul-searching. I wasn't playing my Strat very much. I knew that vintage Strats were selling for outrageous prices, sooo -- I followed ebay for a while. Then I decided to list it. I sold it for the price I knew I'd get and bought the Taylor 814c, a '57 Strat Reissue, an acoustic amp, other gear, paid for my wife's laser-eye surgery, and paid bills. I don't miss my '58 at all. The '57 RI plays great (I'm playing more electric again), and I'm in love with my Taylor. In the end, it all worked out great.
heh heh heh...comparing a carvin to a driskill. funny.:)

Ever notice how they use the same color black on a Kia as they do the Enzo Ferrari?:D

Carlos Santana PRS.
Not sure if it even is anymore, but it was for so long that's the first thing that popped into my head when I saw this thread.
I was jonesing for a taylor 814c, use to go to GC during my lunch break once a week and play it. I ended up getting a Carvin Cobalt (top of the line model). It's not in the same league, but it's holding me over.
The guitar that I play. (one of them, anyway) 1965 Tobacco Sunburst Strat with heavy frets and strung with Dean Markley Jazz (.012-.056) Rosewood fretboard. I've had it for almost thirty years and still think it's the best guitar I've ever played.
I don't have a particular favorite guitar, although I'll probably be buying an Epiphone SG soon, which will be the first electric guitar I've owned in quite awhile.

However, I do have a fantasy bass guitar that I've been kicking around in my head for awhile. I'd start with a basic Jazz Bass shape, but shrunken down slightly (for weight), such as the Warmoth "Dinky" model. Ash body with a Koa top. The neck would be a Jazz profile, too. But I'd probably have it made out of Ovankol, rather than maple, so that it wouldn't require any type of finish. An Ebony 'board on top of that. Pickups would be a MusicMan at the bridge and a hot-rod P-bass pickup at the neck. (The bass part of the pup would need to be moved closer to the neck than a regular P-bass pup to leave room for the MM pup to fit in it's standard position.) Either a Sadowski or Aguilar preamp with two band EQ. (Actually, I wouldn't rule out just making it a totally passive bass.)

I actually know a luthier who will build one of these for me. He says he can even match the neck profile of my '66 Jazz perfectly. I just haven't gotten around to it, yet.

Froggy Bottom

i love the tone of a Froggy Bottom guitar!
it only has a price tag of $5000 though :D

the other guitar that sounds awesome is
the Huss Dalton CM and its about $3500 ;)

but i am also very happy with my Gretsch 6012 acoustic guitar that i got used :)