What's this noise from my SP C4?


New member
The cardioid capsule on one of my (brand new) C4's generates noise intermittently. Here's what it sounds like:


Basically, it's like someone tapping or blowing on the capsule. But that recording was made with the mic in its shock mount, on a stand, with no one around.

I don't have this issue with either of the omni capsules. And if I swap the bad capsule onto my other C4, the same problem occurs, so the issue is definitely with the capsule, not the mic.

Ever heard anything like this before? Any idea what it could be?
I had an mxl 603s do the same thing once. Middle of the room, nothing around. Turned out the noise was from air movement from an AC vent way across the room that I couldn't feel at the mic's location, but it could. An omni isn't going to be very sensitive to that like a cardioid is.

Thanks for the response Tim.

I didn't mention it, but I thought of that as a possibility, so I tried putting the 2 C4's side by side, touching even. They're both in exactly the same place, but only one of them is making the weird noise. If it was air movement, I expect they'd both be affected.
DM1 said:
Thanks for the response Tim.

I didn't mention it, but I thought of that as a possibility, so I tried putting the 2 C4's side by side, touching even. They're both in exactly the same place, but only one of them is making the weird noise. If it was air movement, I expect they'd both be affected.
Ha. So much for my theory.

Is it very humid there? That can make mic's do weird things.

sounds like something's wrong with that capsule

why don't you contact pmi?

their service and suppport has an outstanding reputation
FWIW, in case someone has the same issue in the future, it was just moisture on the capsule. And PMI tech support was, as cannabis noted, superb. The response they sent:

The rather unusual heat wave we have been having all over North America the past few weeks as attributed to increased levels of moisture and this can have an adverse effect on any microphone capsule. I suggest that you try drying the capsule out with a heat source, usually a good way to do it is with a 100 watt light bulb and the capsule placed 10 to 12 inches from the light bulb for a few hours.
I've also heard from others that just leaving the mic plugged in with phantom power on should dry it out in a few hours.

Anyway, cheers guys.