what's the most efficient way to use effects on audio tracks?


New member
I know how to apply effects to an audio track but when I start adding effects to too many tracks, I start running in to resource problems. I looked in the cakewalk website and found a file called "Maximize Effects Processing With Aux Busses" but I can't seem to get it to work. I can apply an effect directly to a track but I can't seem to use an effect in an Aux Bus by following the instructions on that file. I can assign an effect to the bus and enable the "send" on the track to that bus but I get no effect. I've fiddled with the "send" and "enable" on the track as well as the "send" and "return" of the Aux and still nothing. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or maybe another way of maximizing my effects processing?

It sounds like you've got it right. You patch the effect into an Aux Bus, enable the track(s) that you want to assign to that bus, and adjust the track send level.

The amount of effect that you get is determined by a combination of the send level on the track(s) and the send and return levels on the bus.

BTW, this will only "maximize" your use of FX if you are assigning multiple tracks to the same Aux Bus. You would typically do this when you want to apply the same effect to more than one track - e.g., 2 or 3 background singers. If you only assign a single track to a bus if has no resource benefit.

Another way to get better use of your resources would be to apply the effect destructively (of course, there's no going back if you do this, unless you copy and archive the original track first). Destructively applied FX do not command the same amount of resources as realtime FX.

Another thing you could consider is to mixdown a couple of tracks to a new single track. Then archive the original tracks and apply your effect to the new track (this would be somewhat similar to the use of an Aux Bus, except you would be patching the effect directly on the track. Again, this is only useful if you can use the same effect on multiple tracks.)
Works Great!

Thanks dachay2tnr, I experimented with copying and archiving the original track then applying the effect destructively - big difference in CPU ustage. Never dropped out.
