What's The Matter Annie

Wow Clay!

Great singing, lead and backups, and a nice piece of recording as well.

Crisp full sound coupled with mature writting=good listening:)

That bridge really hit the spot. Very effective lyrics ( they get descriptive and detail the outline of the rest of the lyrics) with a strong delivery.

Just a nitpick or two.

I thought the piano could come up and to center at about 2:10 and resonate out of the break around2:19. Give that instrumental fill a melodic reinforcment and a focus.

I noticed the line that includes/ends with "she's so cruel to me". Not inherently bad but, it seems that you were talking to Annie throughout the whole song and in this one place you "pine to the stars". Maybe reword it to maintain the one sided conversation.

Like I said, just nitpicks and opinions.

Great song. Love your singing and writting.


Hey Clay, I'm always eager to hear your new stuff and this one doesn't dissapoint. The melody and structure are great, and your voice is wonderful as usual.

The mix is good in terms of placement, but I'm getting kind of a swishy overly verby sound with the backing tracks, mostly the keys. The bell like keyboard figure is getting a little lost. The drum programming is really nice and natural. Also, I'm hearing a little buzz during the rests, I struggle with a clean chain as well so don't sweat it, after all we're not recording at the Record Plant. Don't forget to edit out the "silence" before the first mod.

I agree with Theron about the bridge, it's really nice. My only compaint about it is that it ends too quickly... I'd like to hear that chord progression again maybe with a solo over it, I don't know.

"You always shed your thoughts... avoiding me a lot" is a little forced. (Quick suggestion: "You always tell the truth... but now you're so aloof"((I said it was "quick" suggestion :) )))

"Why should he have known?" might be better as "How could he have known?"

Other than that the lyrics are fantastic. It's kind of like the story behind the Eagle's "Lyin' Eyes" but from the perspective of the guy who is being walked out on.

Just some suggestions for what is otherwise a really nice tune and recording.

Jon & Theron, thanks for the comments. Theron, that last line, I was talking to Annie and said, "she's so TRUE to me." Kind of threw it in her face. Jon...I like the "aloof" idea. Thanks...
clay said:
Jon & Theron, thanks for the comments. Theron, that last line, I was talking to Annie and said, "she's so TRUE to me." Kind of threw it in her face. Jon...I like the "aloof" idea. Thanks...

sorry for my misunderstanding........ writting flow is intact. At least I paid attention:o :o
Clay, very cool song! Strong, coherent content. I love your singing and emotive delivery. Instruments all lay in nicely.
Nothing to pick apart here from a mix standpoint.
I'd like to know how you get your acoustic guitar sound, whether it's mic'ed or direct, etc. for my own education.
Gonna check out your other stuff, you're a strong writer.

Mark, for the guitar I used a Stedman N-90 dynamic mic positioned right infront of the opening. The guitar is an Alvarez. Thanks for listening.
nice tune.. very nice vocals.. Not much wrong with this one..

If I had to find something to complain about, I would say a little more low end would help.. It is very crisp and I think some low end would help.. That could just be a personal preference.. I don't like the snare sound..

great job overall.. nice vocals..
Nice tune. Good performance. I'm not sure if it's a by product of the MP3 conversion or what but I'm hearing a strange, phasy sound. I think a better drum sound would bennifit this tune A LOT. Again, good tune my friend.