Whats the direction of recording with a GT-2


New member
Now, I try using my little equipment to record some guitar material. My current
practise is using SM57 to mic the sound(distorted guitar) from AMP, the microphones then connect to the Sanamps GT-2 and the output is connect to the soundcard.

I quite satisfied with the sound, I just want to know is it possible to record by the below setup?

Guitar->effect chain->GT2->Soundcard

Actually, I dont have much clear concept of whats a preamp is. Is it possible
to input metal distorted sound directly to the GT2?

I ask this stupid question because I got a bad experience of buy a fault
GT2 (the sound is a little bit darker and dry), and the guitar shops replace a new one for me finally. I still thinging whats situation will make problem of the
gt2, so I never plug a distorted pedal signal to the GT2 . :confused:

I'm not familiar with the GT-2 per se, but you can usually record direct with an effects chain, as long as you have impedance matching when you put it into your interface/soundcard. If there is a line level out, that would normally do the trick.
The trouble is, usually, that most effects chains are made feed a signal to an amp to drive a speaker, and that is where the (best) tone comes from. Going direct this way although nice for neighbors is not often a great sound by itself. The amp modelling packages like the pods and vamps however, are made for this kind of thing and many people feel the tone they get from them is acceptable.
