Whats the deal with the Valveking?

With those criteria, you might want to take a look at the Traynor Custom Valve series. I play the YCV80, but the YCV20 and YCV40 are both good smaller amps in the series. Their price has skyrocketed since I bought mine so they're not quite the bargain that they were 4 or 5 years ago. I bought my YCV80 for $545 brand new from Musician's Friend a few years ago. Now they're going for $959 brand new!

I've always described my amp with pretty similar terms as you want. Good cleans (mine has expander and brightness switches), great crunch, good boost channel, and it takes pedals extremely well. I've fallen in love with my tone now that I use a TS9 Tube Screamer with all-neutral settings plus relatively low preamp gain settings on my amp. Crank the master up to 7 or 8, send it through a HotPlate, and I'm a happy camper.

Anyways, its another amp to try and see if its up your alley.

The Peavey Classic series is the only Peavey I would buy the rest of them suck .. I should know because I own at least six of them now and have owed over a dozen of them over the years.
You can't go wrong with a Traynor. I own a YCVwr40 and I love the thing. When you upgrade the power tubes it really shines.

Thanks guys, If I could only get my hands on one to test out, it could be enough to convince me to save an extra $400, but seeing as I can't find a nearby dealer I don't think it's an option.:(
Get the Classic 30. Mine's treated me right for years.

I think the dealer a few miles from my house has them in stock. I'm sure they can ship. Shoot me a PM if you want their contact info.

Anyway, I personally feel that the Valveking is very little like the Classic. I use a Marshall 1936 2x12 cab with mine (disconnecting the internal speaker since the cab's 8 ohms). Sounds great and does any sound I want. I used the internal speaker for a couple years gigging regularly. It now just lives at my studio where I can have whatever sound I want with that amp and a couple pedals.
Get the Classic 30. Mine's treated me right for years.

I think the dealer a few miles from my house has them in stock. I'm sure they can ship. Shoot me a PM if you want their contact info.

Anyway, I personally feel that the Valveking is very little like the Classic. I use a Marshall 1936 2x12 cab with mine (disconnecting the internal speaker since the cab's 8 ohms). Sounds great and does any sound I want. I used the internal speaker for a couple years gigging regularly. It now just lives at my studio where I can have whatever sound I want with that amp and a couple pedals.

Hey, thanks Matt. I'm almost sold on the Classic 30 now. I'm sure that the Classic line isnt discontinued and either my local dealer or GC will get one in soon enough, and I'm a little nervous shipping a tube amp, so I'll prolly just wait. But thanks. The local dealer here has a classic 50 in and I think I'll run over and give it a final test to make sure its right from me and then do some searchin for anyone within 50 miles of here that has one! Right now since I sold my halfstack and my other peavey I have only a 15W SS Crate so I'm dying for my new amp.
The funny thing is that the 15W crate sounds better than the Halfstack I had,lol.
The local dealer here has a classic 50 in and I think I'll run over and give it a final test to make sure its right from me and then do some searchin for anyone within 50 miles of here that has one!

Just a heads up - the Classic 30 and Classic 50 are somewhat different beasts. I always thought I wanted the Classic 50, but after going from the 30 to the 50 later, I found I preferred the 30. They don't behave the same. They're not as different as a Twin Reverb and a Hot Rod Deluxe, but they are different nonetheless. I think the 30 is a bit beefier in the mids while the 50 has a bit more bottom with a somewhat smoothed mid range. Your mileage may vary, of course.
Thanks guys, If I could only get my hands on one to test out, it could be enough to convince me to save an extra $400, but seeing as I can't find a nearby dealer I don't think it's an option.:(

Sure enough, I only see 4 cities in the whole of Indiana that have Traynor dealers according to Traynor's website. They're a Canadian company, but even then I don't quite understand their spotty availability in the USA. When I got some warranty work done, they didn't have any dealers listed near me either. I called them and they gave me the name of a shop in St. Joseph that wasn't on their website. So just in case you feel like pursuing the Traynor idea, you might want to call them and ask about dealers close to you.
Sure enough, I only see 4 cities in the whole of Indiana that have Traynor dealers according to Traynor's website. They're a Canadian company, but even then I don't quite understand their spotty availability in the USA. When I got some warranty work done, they didn't have any dealers listed near me either. I called them and they gave me the name of a shop in St. Joseph that wasn't on their website. So just in case you feel like pursuing the Traynor idea, you might want to call them and ask about dealers close to you.

I'll be sure to do that, I actually just assumed that they were run by a similiar business mold as the Carvins, so I never even checked online. Maybe one of those cities is near me!
Im Glad to know my Valve king is a POS and all this time I thought it was a very nice and reliable amp:rolleyes:

Yes, how silly of you. ;)

I'm kidding, of course.

The Valveking is a good amp too, but it doesn't really go after the sound that a Classic 30 does. What I do like about the VK is that it has the blend between AB and A. It's definitely more modern sounding on the AB than the 30. The A on it is pretty cool. It's an amp for people that know how to dial in what they're after. It definitely doesn't deserve the beating it's getting in this thread. It's a good amp.

But, the OP said he wants a Classic 30 and that sound is something the VK really doesn't do like the 30 does.