whats the best multi efx processor

I have an Eclipse and that thing is a monster. It sounds absolutely amazing. Beware however that there is a real learning curve to the Eclipse. There are a couple of hundred absolutely wacked out (cool but crazy) presets. The manual comes in a big binder and the Eclipse itself can be kind of a bear to dial up a standard reverb type preset until you get really familiar with it. In the end though, it is a VERY powerful high quality box that is capable of much more than I will ever use it for.
xstatic said:
I have an Eclipse and that thing is a monster. It sounds absolutely amazing. Beware however that there is a real learning curve to the Eclipse. There are a couple of hundred absolutely wacked out (cool but crazy) presets. The manual comes in a big binder and the Eclipse itself can be kind of a bear to dial up a standard reverb type preset until you get really familiar with it. In the end though, it is a VERY powerful high quality box that is capable of much more than I will ever use it for.

dam man you just made me shit my pants!lol it sounds like a beast!!! but if the end result is great then its worth the buy!right on! :cool: so how do you use it? i want to use it in conjuction with my daw, im only worried about the 2 in/outputs. i would like something with multi in/outs but then that might be too much, i was going to shell out for the kurzweil kps8, man that thing looks sweet! :rolleyes:
ok guys i did it! i justttt purchase the Lexicon MPX550 24 Bit Dual Channel Processor and the Kurzweil MANGLER . so what do you guys think? good choice? thanks everybody for you honest feedback :)
Lemme know how you like the Mangler.

I just picked one up a week ago and have been havin a blast "mangling" my bass guitar and k2000 synth.
i will do let you know how it all comes together. im still thinking about the eclipse, but i figure if im going to spend big money why not go for the kurzweil ksp8?hmm :rolleyes: , dunno yet lets see how my new gear fits my needs.
heres my update, the mangler so far is wonderful, and i just purchased the eventide elcipse, waiting for it in the mail! cant wait
Wow, you are going for broke! Don't forget to stop and breath between purchases! :D

I've looked at that Eclipse on and off for years now. Some of the delays in that box are really nice. I think you'll get a lot of good use out of it.

I used to own a Mangler, and since sold it and went for a KSP8. Believe it or not, the fx in the MAngler have all the parameters of the smae fx in the KSP8. It's relaly not cut down in that regard. Of course, the KSP8 has the multibuss architecture and the ability to freely chain fx. It really is far more powerful, but the Mangler is a great box and is actually a bit easier to program in my opinion.

Good choices!
yea i have to take a breath or two. you now how the music bug hits!lol :D the ksp8 is a beauty! but i really have to chill and get use to my new gear. hows the compressor's and eq's on the ksp?
JHOOKS said:
yea i have to take a breath or two. you now how the music bug hits!lol :D the ksp8 is a beauty! but i really have to chill and get use to my new gear. hows the compressor's and eq's on the ksp?

I'm really more of a fan of analog compressors and eq's, so I've used the eq to shape the fx, but haven't run any tracks to the unit just for the eq, if that makes sense.

I do think the compressors and distortion are some of the better digital versions I've tried though.
holy shit dudes! i just got the eventide eclipse today! been playing around with it for onnnnnnly 5 minssssssss and i can hear a world of a difference between this and plugin shit!!! damn im going to disney world!!!!! :eek: i love the sound of this monster!!!! i luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv you hardwareeeeee effect processor!!!!! i think i later on "when im not broke"lol im going to get me a 1176 or somthing? hummm :cool: ....
mrbowes said:
Rumour and Mangler are amazing units for the $$$.

Lexicon PCM-70 is a beast. I have two for sale if anyone is interested.
the mangler is a beasttt!!!! what is the pcm 70 exactly??? i mean whats is it classified as?