What's that Frequency?


New member

Just thought I would share this little guide I found in a mix article good place to tweak the EQ for different instruments.

Good Starting Points never could memorize these so it's handy having them printed. Enjoy

Bass 35Hz - 250Hz
Cello 60Hz - 1kHz
Violin 200Hz - 4kHz
Guitar 75Hz - 1kHz
French Horn 60Hz - 850Hz
Trumpet 250Hz - 1kHz
Bassoon 50Hz - 750Hz
Clarinet 200Hz - 2kHz
Oboe 250Hz - 1.5kHz
Flute 300Hz - 4.5kHz
Piccalo 550Hz - 4.5kHz
Bass Voice 60Hz - 400Hz
Baritone Voice 100Hz - 450Hz
Tenor Voice 150Hz - 600Hz
Contralto Voice 200Hz - 900Hz
Soprano Voice 250Hz - 1.5kHz

There is also another part that shows where to sweep 3db for different effects in a certain instruments. I'll post later got tired of typin!.
I assume this article has taken the range of each instrument, converted that to a fundamental frequency, and rounded up/down the ranges to produce this list?

Its interesting to see I guess, but they haven't mentioned anything above 1kHz for most instruments, which is where a lot the lovely harmonics are. Also, I feel giving people a list of numbers sometimes means they hear something is wrong with the mix, and then jump onto a list like that to fix it. This kind of skips a step. You should hear issues, then use your ears to work out where the issues are.

Its a nice list of numbers, but I trust my ears more than my calculator :)
Hey 2000Z28M6... thanks for the post. What's nice about posts like this.. is it often brings out additions to it. LOVE the link that Rami posted.. that's favorited and printed!

Just thought I would share this little guide I found in a mix article good place to tweak the EQ for different instruments.

Good Starting Points never could memorize these so it's handy having them printed. Enjoy

Bass 35Hz - 250Hz
Cello 60Hz - 1kHz
Violin 200Hz - 4kHz
Guitar 75Hz - 1kHz
French Horn 60Hz - 850Hz
Trumpet 250Hz - 1kHz
Bassoon 50Hz - 750Hz
Clarinet 200Hz - 2kHz
Oboe 250Hz - 1.5kHz
Flute 300Hz - 4.5kHz
Piccalo 550Hz - 4.5kHz
Bass Voice 60Hz - 400Hz
Baritone Voice 100Hz - 450Hz
Tenor Voice 150Hz - 600Hz
Contralto Voice 200Hz - 900Hz
Soprano Voice 250Hz - 1.5kHz

There is also another part that shows where to sweep 3db for different effects in a certain instruments. I'll post later got tired of typin!.
Isnt it called the Carrnigie chart ( spelling!!) or something close?Go on youtube and do a search for Bob Katz.He has a video there about how notes ahev their own related freq. Pretty interesting. Kind of same thing.
That's not a chart. THIS is a chart:


ts interesting to see I guess, but they haven't mentioned anything above 1kHz for most instruments, which is where a lot the lovely harmonics are.

I mentioned this was on there too, I just didnt have time to type it up.

But yea the sweeps are over the 1kHz.