what's on your pedal board?

Boss TU-2 Tuner
Ibanez TS9 (monte Allum mod)
Dunlop Uni Vibe
535q crybaby (currently in need of a new pot- SCRATCHY)
Big muff Pi (russian)
Boss CS-3 (monte allum mod)

the big muff and compressor get less use now, as the tubescreamer really does everything i need that both those do.

shopping for a delay now...

Shit, looks to me like you guys are doin' the R&R tap dance.....:rolleyes:
I don't. That's what the DMC Ground Control Pro I have is for. No more tap dancing.

Whats the 25k pot do for you that the normal volume pedals do not?
The 25k was the one DMC recommended for use as a continuous controller for the Ground Control Pro. So, I don't use it as a volume pedal. I use it to control delay time, pitch shift, etc, etc in real time.
I've never had a board, and I generally just used an Ibanez TS-10 tube screamer. I have a few more pedals these days -- I like the Fulltone Fulldrive2.

There was a guy in my scene back in the day who was a pedal freak -- he played barefoot so he could turn the knobs with his toes - did some very interesting things with time domain effects -- great live show.
My setup is like this:

Guitar > Dunlop Crybaby > Monte Allums Tri-Gain Sustainia MT-2 > Boss Blues Driver > Home-made true-bypass loop switch* > Marshall JMP Super Bass half-stack

* I built the loop-switch for a Korg Multi-FX pedal that I use mainly as a stage tuner, but also for the odd bit of delay that I use here and there. Works fine for live.
EH Micro-Synth
PS InfinitPhase
PS Crushing Depths
Boss Flanger
Boss delay (dd-6)
Voodoo Labs Tremolo
EH Holy Grail verb
VS 808
Vox Mclyde Wah
EH BassBalls

I use the wah and 808. The rest I should probably sell.
Crybaby (love wah, hate this pedal in particular though)
Fulltone OCD (I'm gay for this pedal)
Korg tuner, can't remember the model, the $80 one

However, if I had a really really nice amp, I'd lose the effects.
In order of signal path:
Aleron tuner.
Ibenez TS7/808 reissue.
Dunlop wah.
Digitech JamMan.

Also on board, but not in signal path:
2-button amp switch (with adapter to use for either Fender Deluxe Reverb or Peavey Bravo)
3-button footswtich for JamMan.

All on the lid of a 4-bottle wine box, with the box forming the top for transport. Room for two other pedals, if I wanted to add more.