What's my problem


New member
Hello folks:
I'm having some trouble recording my acoustic guitar tracks on my MD-8. I'm recording a Gibson J-150 into a Rode NT-1 directly into the track 1 on my MD-8. Mic placement is consistent about 5 to 7 inches from the 12th fret. However, the tracks are taking a long time to record because each time I try to punch in a rough segment, the guitar doesn't sound the same as what was previously recorded. Therefore I'm having to make a lot of takes to get the same sound; this takes up a lot of time and causes uneeded wear and tear on my recorder. Any suggestions here... do I need another piece of equipment for this to make the guitar sound more even throughout. Help... thanks
It's not the equipment

Hey there,

I don't think it's the equipmetn at all. My guess is that you are trying to do these punch ins at different times on different days. If this is correct, then the problem lies on a variety of things.

1. equipment levels.
2. mic placement.
3. room location.

There are prbably other issues at play here as well, but these should be the obvious. When you go to track, make sure to document everything so that if you do need to go back later on and make changes, you can get everything the way it was.

If on the other hand, you are doing these punch ins during the same session and are getting varying results, you may need to be more consistant with mic placemetn.

Hope this helps
