What's Mono Foldown For: and how do I set it up?


New member
What's Mono Folddown For: and how do I set it up?

Hi folks:

It's been 24 hours, give or take a few, since I posted on the software/hardware mixing thread and I'm already a proud owner of a Soundcraft M12 console. Patience? What's that?

Anyhow, I'm trying to get a feel for working with a real board and I was thinking about mono folddown. I know that people check their mixes in mono, but don't understand exactly why.

Also, in Digital Performer it's really easy to do a mono folddown, but I am not sure how to do it on my M12. There isn't a "mono folddown" button on the mixer like there is in DP, but there is a mono sum jack.... How can this be hooked up to my monitors?

P.S. If anyone out there is using an M12 with a computer set-up, I'd appreciate any feedabck you can give on your experience with the board.


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Re: What's Mono Folddown For: and how do I set it up?

verticalplunge said:
Anyhow, I'm trying to get a feel for working with a real board and I was thinking about mono folddown. I know that people check their mixes in mono, but don't understand exactly why.

As mono is no longer a viable format, the key reasons to fold-down a mix to mono is to check for any potential phasing problems.
If anything is marginally out-of-phase from left-to-righ channel, you will hear the phasing occur clearly when a mix is folded down. In extreme cases a signal will disappear entirely - if it is 100% out of phase.
Re: Re: What's Mono Folddown For: and how do I set it up?

sjoko2 said:

As mono is no longer a viable format, the key reasons to fold-down a mix to mono is to check for any potential phasing problems.

Tell that to my clock raido. Also any post-production guy will tell you that mono is still the brodcast standard. You better check mono if you care about translation.
I'll tell my clock raido, and will also consider it the next time I mix something for a brodcast :D ;)