What's in your guitar collection?


I joined the forum recently to get advice about my recording set up but I really, really love guitars! I'm moving house at the moment so they are cased and packed away but they're normally hanging up all over the place.

I don't have a great deal of money so I don't spend £thousands but I've got a few that I love.

Main guitar at the moment is a Fender FMT Telecaster - basically telecaster in name and outline body shape only.
It's Korean with two decent SD Humbuckers in it and a fixed bridge. Pretty much a Les Paul set up with coil tap. The thing feels great to play and sounds abolsolutely beautiful and warm when going for clean tones on the neck and is great for anything from slightly crunchy to punk to grunge to hard rock on the bridge. If you play quite hard the bridge usually distorts a tiny bit with a clean tone. Personally I don't think it copes to well with full on metal though - that bridge pickup starts to go a bit mushy. So I revert to my other main electric...

Ibanez RG550 - went halves with my mum on this for my 18th birthday (sadly that was 16 years ago). Don't really use it for anything other than metal any more - the bridge humbucker is great and can cope with very, very heavy distortion without going mushy. I've got myself thinking now - I don't even remember what the other pickups sound like. When I used this guitar daily I was playing mostly metal! Anyone else got one? When I started playing more softer rock/punk I picked up a..

'77 Washburn Falcon - This is a dead cool guitar, made in Japan in the late 70s. Fixed bridge, two humbuckers, LP electronics, weighs a ton, lovely to play sounds great. I wanted something simple after the floating bridge and pick up options of the Ibanez. It's been superceeded by the telecaster now but can handle heavier distortion than the Tele. I generally keep it 'cos it's so beautiful I can't bare to part with it, for friends to play on when they come over for a glass of wine/jam (yes we drink Jam!) and for playing songs off Superunknown by Soundgarden. Whenever I pick this thing up it always seems to be tuned to CGDGBE.

I have another old Strat copy with rubbish pickups and wood, it's worthless so I keep it around. A couple of cheap basses for recording and a couple of accoustics, neither of which I particularly like. If anyone knows of a decent sounding non-electo accoustic which is nice to play and sounds half decent for under £350 I would like to hear about it. I only record accoustics with a mic - i find cheaper electro-accoustics sound rubbish plugged in.
1974 Gibson SG lefty.

1977 Martin D-35L.

1985 Martin D-45L Custom.

1999 Fender P-Bass lefty

2006/07 Gibson CS-356 lefty.

1947 Martin "A" mandolin, converted to lefty.
Can you play left handed?
Lovely collection otherwise. I would love an SG
All of my guitars are very pointy with a Floyd rose and EMGs.


Actually you've gathered a pretty impressive stable of American classics. They sound pretty amazing from what I've heard so far...

Actually you've gathered a pretty impressive stable of American classics. They sound pretty amazing from what I've heard so far...

Thanks. American classic guitars and British classic amps. In other words....Gibsons and Marshalls. So easy, a caveman could do it.

Actually I think I'm sort of in the minority in that I care about amps way more than guitars.
I still used a Peavey Bandit and Stomp boxes when I'm not plugged into a PC
Thanks. American classic guitars and British classic amps. In other words....Gibsons and Marshalls. So easy, a caveman could do it.

Actually I think I'm sort of in the minority in that I care about amps way more than guitars.

I always figured you for one Moserite and one of whatever the Ramones used. :D

What did the Ramones use, btw?
I've got a bunch (and I mean a bunch) of clasically cheap guitars. The only one that anyone would consider even remotely 'quality' is an LP Studio with P90s.
I think I would quite like a mosrite or univox. I had a haymon a few years ago which was pretty quirky
I always figured you for one Moserite and one of whatever the Ramones used. :D

What did the Ramones use, btw?

Ha, I do have a Mosrite clone. It's a beautiful geetar.
Hallmark Guitars

Johnny Ramone predominantly used a Mosrite Ventures II throughout his career. He had a blue one at first, then the famous white one from 77 to the end. He always had a few different Mosrite backup guitars, a Strat, and a Rickenbacker Fireglo 450 for a little while in the early days. Mostly the Ventures II though. He used Marshall 100w Super Lead amps at first, then switched to Marshall JCM 800s in the mid 80s.

I think I would quite like a mosrite or univox. I had a haymon a few years ago which was pretty quirky

One of the few guitars I've never wanted was a Mosrite, or any clone thereof. I have always wanted a Hayman bass, though. Black, with a maple neck, please. Hard to come by over here, though.
The haymon was cool. Lovely to play, sounded good, looked interesting and was comfortable though. Odd electronics. What I should have done is simplify the internals. But I just gave it to a mate of mine at uni.
I've got a few guitars kicking around. I'm not much of a collector or a buy/sell/trade kind of guy. I tend to save up and buy guitars that I'll have for life.

Gibson LP Classic (1998)
Fender American Deluxe Telecaster (2014)
Martin D-41 (2008-ish)

And the lesser children:
Squier active J-bass 5-string (2014)
Aria Pro II RS Inazuma (1984) in a hideous Lynch-style black/yellow tiger stripe paint job
Takamine acoustic/electric nylon string (1994)
Alvarez Regent acoustic/electric (1991)

And a couple of odds and ends like a couple of dulcimers and baritone ukuleles.
Can you play left handed?
Lovely collection otherwise. I would love an SG


Do yourself a favor and get an LP instead. SG's are notorious for not staying in tune.

I really want to get a Strat, preferably with a v-neck.

Or another Moog synth.

Do yourself a favor and get an LP instead. SG's are notorious for not staying in tune.

I really want to get a Strat, preferably with a v-neck.

Or another Moog synth.
I got the Washburn cos I wanted a LP style guitar, I like it but it doesn't suit me that we'll. I don't like the balance. I spend a lot of time playing sitting at a desk in front of a computer or on a drum stool. I find LP style guitars just don't sit on your knee well.
1979 Fender Hardtail Strat
1983 Kramer Pacer Imperial
1996 Eric Clapton Strat
2014 Gibson les Paul Custom
No Gibson with the 3/3 headstock stays in tune that well. Les Pauls and SGs equally bang out of tune. It's an easy fix though.

My 356 stays in tune much better. The neck joint on that guitar is like a rock. It's the most "solid" of any of the guitars I have.
My 356 stays in tune much better. The neck joint on that guitar is like a rock. It's the most "solid" of any of the guitars I have.

My SGs stay in tune better than my LP, but none of them are troublesome. So the old wive's tales like all Firebirds are neck heavy and SGs can't stay in tune are actually very bogus. The truth is that no run of Gibsons has ever been consistent in any way since the beginning of time, so you can go from dud to hero with one single digit of the serial number.