Whats in a sound/style?


New member
I have been sponsered to record a full album at an excellent studio this year so I need some help to decide on which direction to go. I have writen many songs but the problem is that they are in different styles and I dont know exactly what style/sound to go for. I always hear people say that you should develope your sound but I enjoy making all kinds of music. What are your opinions on making an album with mixed styles/sounds by the same artist? I find that a lot of albums these days are pretty boring because all the songs sound the same.
Is there a way to keep the variation in sounds, but capture them under the same style umbrella. Take Led Zepellin for example. Any given album of theirs might have slow blues, hard distorted rock, ballads, even some folky kinda stuff, but it's all distinctly zep. Might mean a rework of some of the songs to bring them a little closer together. Just a thought.
Many artists find a way to combine influences from various "styles" such as Eagles rock with country - or ZZ Top rock with blues, etc.

The key is to blend styles vs. trying to cover every style. If your recording has an obvious country shuffle folled by an obvious heavy metal groove followed by a classical guitar piece - that is not a "sound or style" it is simply a recording of many tunes in different styles.

Only you know what styles you relate to the most or which styles you tend to create in the most effectively. Those should be the styles you persue and or blend for your recording.
You mentioned that you've been "sponsored"...

Obviously, the sponsors like what they've heard of your work... If they didn't ask you to adhere to any certain style, then it sounds to me like you're free to be you... :)

Can you imagine if Queen just picked one particular 'style'?


Best of luck to you and congrats on your sponsorship!
I'd say, the most variation you can get away with, that fits what you want to do is it. If you can play what you really like playing, and they let you, do it. If the whole album sounds like one song, you may find a small core audience. If it has some different sounds, that may appeal to lots of different people, and you enjoy playing all those styles, may open things up a bit more. I play lots of different sounding stuff just because that's how my mind works, and it's what I want to do. Of course, my fanbase is all the 10 people I know that listen to my music, so I have no dilemmas of trying to make anyone but myself happy. If noone has told you to play one type of music, then play what makes you feel good. Best of both worlds.

Good luck, and let us hear some of this.