What's goin' on with everybody

Damn, couldn’t locate it and have a lot of tree canopy blocking the horizon. I also stepped in glue walking down the street 😡. Apparently it was successful with one telemetry hiccup that was corrected and now on their way to rendezvous with ISS. I believe this is the first manned flight of Starliner 👍
The race to the moon has heated up again and China is filling the shoes of the former USSR pushing our asses.
India, Japan and Russia in the race but we and China are the top contenders ATM. Plant those flags boys! I wonder how long after manned surfacing we start claiming territories and bickering breaks out. WW3 may happen on the lunar surface
Ima drive up to Cocoa Beach for the next manned launch. Saw 3 shuttle launches including the last one (by lottery). Launches live are incredible, Bright, loud and crackly.
Not sure the complication but think some pre-orbit engines of second stage fired too soon. Two astronauts and the one controlling it is a broad. No wonder why problems happened. Jk
Think I’ll take a short bike ride after I finish the rest of my coffee.

It’s made in China but it works and isn’t bad. I try to buy American but in something like this it would be way more than I was willing to spend and would be theft bait.IMG_0977.jpeg
A buddy is hooked on China's E-bikes. These are his only transportation. His are swiped from his workplace about every 2-3 months. At first, he would just order another and wait for it to arrive. Now, he orders them 2 at a time so his transportation needs won't be denied. Been doing this for about 8 years now. At first, he was shelling out $700-800 a pop, no idea what he's paying these days. I see them for half that nowadays.
A buddy is hooked on China's E-bikes. These are his only transportation. His are swiped from his workplace about every 2-3 months. At first, he would just order another and wait for it to arrive. Now, he orders them 2 at a time so his transportation needs won't be denied. Been doing this for about 8 years now. At first, he was shelling out $700-800 a pop, no idea what he's paying these days. I see them for half that nowadays.
I see those all over the place here in Jupiter and they look fun. This bike was about $250 so it replaceable if needed though I do not want to. The pedaling does me a little bit of good.
About 10 years ago, I decided to lose some weight. I was 189 @ 5'10". I got a bike very much like yours as a free donation. Every day without fail, I did 30-min workouts with free weights, then pedaled the bike around the neighborhood for another 30-min. Did that for 3 months and stuck to the routine. I dropped to 155 and had to buy a Scout belt to hold my pants up when I walked. I didn't want to punch holes in my leather belts.

The workouts weren't hard, it was sticking to them that was the hard part. Seeing the weight drop every day was great motivation.
About 10 years ago, I decided to lose some weight. I was 189 @ 5'10". I got a bike very much like yours as a free donation. Every day without fail, I did 30-min workouts with free weights, then pedaled the bike around the neighborhood for another 30-min. Did that for 3 months and stuck to the routine. I dropped to 155 and had to buy a Scout belt to hold my pants up when I walked. I didn't want to punch holes in my leather belts.

The workouts weren't hard, it was sticking to them that was the hard part. Seeing the weight drop every day was great motivation.
I just started lifting again in Feb but need to tighten my frequencies up. I did take a 20 min ride in the cool SoFlo sun though
I've been avoiding the gym for the past 4 years because of, well. . . a plague. You know the one. I'm finally ready to go back in and rebreathe everyone's air.
On the deck this morning. I think we helped get this one going. Baby Martins cannot take flight from the ground. We found this one on the ground. My daughter put it in some bushes up on the hill but it just sat in the bushes. I got the ladder out and we raised that as high as possible and I found a "christmas house" and we put a platform across the a frame of the ladder, and the house on top of that with the fledgling inside. It came out and flew over to my daughter after a bit. That is when she took the picture. Then momma bird almost landed on her head. I told her put her back in the house. The mother bird sat on the wires above the martin house that sits on a high pole.. We had put the ladder next to that. The little one came out again, flew over to some bushes, hung out, then flew into the big pear tree.........Martin.jpg
Took a short bike ride to get smokes and wound through a few streets to extend the ride.

It’s hot as fuck in Sunny SoFlo today IMG_1053.jpeg