Whats a good pre-amp?

chessrock said:

According to some people whose opinion I happen to trust, the VTB-1 also = mackie pre + optional big muff pie. To each his own, I guess, but I'm not getting sucked in to the hype.

i agree that there is an air of hype about the vtb1. it's well worth the $179 at humbucker music. it does sound better than a mackie pre. but, i would want something even better if i were upgrading from a mackie. the tube is nothing like a big muff as it is a very subtle effect and more of a marketing gimmick than anything.

and, chessrock, you did a very good job of discovering the source of the nice proximity of the vtb1 to be in the exaggerated bass.

i posted a review on my gear site: www.piemusic.com/mp/main.html

chessrock, you are invited to contribute a review. man, if you can figure out the exagerrated bass response on the vtb1, i want to see what you can do when you go over a piece of gear.

a lot of people have told me they bought a vtb1 off my review. my site is getting hits off of google on people looking for the vtb1. i think people get a little leery of the hype and want some perspective on what the vtb1 can actually do.

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I love your site, Steve. Just got a chance to read the Sytek review, and it was one of the many that contributed to my ordering one (they should be arriving at the beginning of next month).

I should probably PM you about this, but I figured some others might be interested in this as well . . .

NW Soundman and I just got together on a science project recently. The subject was a Bellari Tube preamp. Yea, I know, Bellari isn't exactly synonymous with quality sound. But their tube mic pres are the real deal, from a design standpoint. Their downfall is in all the second-grade parts they use (cheap input transformers, cheap tubes, and cheap opamps at the output).

A few years back, there was a mini-buzz going on at the RAP board about how some simple mods can greatly improve the sound . . . to the point where it is very usable even in a pro / semi-pro situation.

I sent one over to NW Soundman, and he basically swapped all the cheap parts out for some good ones. Not sure what else he did to it, but in a recent email he mentioned something about it being almost too clean for his taste now. :D :D

I'm excited to get my hands on it, finally. I will definitely post examples and comparisons.
i've heard one reputable person suggest the bellari getting modded. i've been more akin to thinking that if you were going to go that route to just build your own tube preamp from scratch. still, it sounds like an interesting experiment. i'd be interested in it.
