WhatAboutTheSounds(try again)


New member

Something went wrong with my very first post, not a good sign...

I found my way to the HomeRecording BBS only yesterday and was very impressed with the knowledge and attitude of the people here, so I joined and already I'm posting:-D

I was just wondering if there is an appropriate forum to discuss sound creation? There seems to be a forum for almost every other aspect of music creation/recording...Perhaps I just haven't looked everywhere, or perhaps it belongs within the specific forums or something...?

Sorry for not having a clue, but it is my first day here:)

If you're referring to analog or digital synths, try the keyboard forum.
Phyl said:
If you're referring to analog or digital synths, try the keyboard forum.

Well, not only that:) I'm looking for discussions on tampering with individual sounds. What to keep in mind when designing sounds for specific purposes and such...I'm interested in it since I do electronic music only and creating unique sounds is really important to make the music stand out.

Are there discussions like that or do most people use factory presets and tweak them until they sound decent?(what I usually resort to since I don't know enough)
What I really want is to be able to create complex digital sounds with at least a hint of control in the process:)

Sorry, now I understand. If you haven't already, try the DJ/Hip Hop/Rap forum. Don't know much about the topic myself...
Thanks a lot for the quick help!

Maybe the Sonic Foundry - SoundForge forum would be the right place then? Or more likely the "other equipment"-forum, I found some related topics in there just now...I'll keep searching:)
