What would you suggest?


New member
Building a studio at my boss's house and he just got a used Mackie 32.8, I think. At least that’s what it looks like when I look at the website. What I want to know is what to get for recording to a PC or whatever. I'm no engineer, but I've been a PC tech for years. Is a PC the best way to go? The budget for this is around $1500. My co-workers and I are going to get it for His birthday. If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
I was searching the web and there are so many choices. What would be recommended for a soundcard and software for this board?
I'm not sure. I want to hook the mixing board to the PC. Do I need other inputs for effects or can I just use the stuff on the board? I don't want to limit the system too much.

It was also brought up to me that there are digital recording bundles available at places like Musicians Friend. Are these a better way to go? I know we need monitors and what not.
Forget the recording bundles, you wont be happy with the quality of the components. What kind of things are you (your boss) going to be recording and are you wanting to do video editing/syncing too?
We are looking to record live audio, (band tracks). We aren't looking at any video editing at this time, that I know of.
M-Audio Audiophile 192 or M-Audio FireWire 410/Audiophile or Audiophile USB
for your interface
I'm slightly intoxicated so I'll be haoopy if I make any sence... does the board take an adat card/ad-on?... if you can get adat outputs for it then you could get an RME card to you could plug all 32 channels in to the computer... generally at 44.1khz though... but 32 channels of workroom is always nice... but I assome it has 8 submixws out so atlweast a 8 channels soundcarrd... the mixer has the preamps so... up I think an edirol FA-101 would work... it's firewire... I have an FA66 and it;s nice.