What to do with my songs!!

jonnyboy said:
I'm a songwriter, I've got plenty of GOOD songs (pop/rock), catchy tunes, good lyrics..what can I do with them. I've had these songs for ages and finally want to do something with them...don't want to be a performer...just songwriter. Are there any websites where I can showcase the songs? Companies I should contact? Don't really know where to start...any information would be greatly appreciated...cheers!

Take a step back from these other good suggestions...

What do YOU want to do with your songs? You know you don't want to get up on stage and perform them right? OK that's one thing ruled out.

Do you want people to hear them?

Do you want other artists to record them for fun?

Do you want other artists to record them and pay you lots of money?

Do you want to just let people hear your recordings for free?

Do you want to let people hear your recordings and pay you?

Do you want to put out a CD, but not play live to promote it?

Answer some of these questions for yourself. Ruling things out, cutting down the things you don't want to do, listing what you'd like to do with your songs.

There's a world of difference between posting a few songs on a site for fun so people can listen and trying to be a pro song writer supplying songs to recording artists, and a lot of variations in between.

Do some long hard thinking, that's the STARTING point.