What to do with fiberglass


New member
Hey all, just about 2 cases of 703 2", what are your recommendations on placement etc etc...here a blueprint of my room
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Well, you should treat as many wall-to-wall corners as possible, the first reflection points on the side walls, back wall, and ceiling, and as many ceiling-to-wall and floor-to wall corners as you have 703 left. Watch the "minitraps demonstration" video on treating a control room here:

You probably could have done this room with just one case, but since you bought two...

Use one case to build six four inch thick bass traps. Use four of them to treat floor to ceiling in the corners behind your monitors and two more in the back corners, but because of the odd nook and door put them in the wall/ceiling corner rather than the wall/wall corner. They would pretty much go wall to wall above the sofa.

Then take the other bale and make a dozen two-inch thick traps to control the slap echoes. Use them in a combination of behind the sofa on the back wall, at the first reflection points on the side walls and as clouds above the workspace.

Start with 4" thick broadband bass control in the front corners. Use the rest for 2" reflection panels and tuing speaker/boundary interface issues.
