What to buy


New member
I have $1500 to spend on equipment. There was a time when I had no problem spending money, but now I hesitate because I’m a hobbyist and don’t use my equipment much anymore. I have been recording for 25 years. Maybe I have all I need and should just save the money? We usually record basic rock stuff – drums, bass, guitar, keys and vocals.

Current gear : Tascam 2488, Dynaudio BM5A monitors, GIK acoustic panels, UA 6176, True P-Solo, AKG 414 BULS, Shure KSM44, two 57’s and two 81’s, Roland TD-4S, TC Electronic Finalizer Plus, Juno 106, Kramer electric guitar, Geddy Lee Jazz Bass, Alverez acoustic, AKG 240 and Shure 440 headphones, headphone amp, two outboard effects, and a Tascam standalone CD burner.

I don’t want to record with a mouse, so I’m not interested in computer/software equipment. I’m leaning towards a different mic for vocals, but would that be a major step up from what I already have? Any other ideas?