What Soundcard Is Best For Rap Production?

Krazy Delinquet

New member
I going to be using cakewalk pro and andvil studio as my sequencers. I was thinking about getting a soundcard with at least 4 in and out ports so I can hook up a keyboard, drum machine, sampler, and maybe a sound model like planet fat. Cause I am going to go midi all the way. What should I buy?
You will probably need more than 4INS/OUTS.

You will definitely need 2 or 4 midi INS/OUTS.

Are you sure you are going to just use midi?

If not, you will also need 4 or 8 analogue 1/4" INS/OUTS.

Since you will be using a sampler, you are probably not JUST using midi.

List the equipment you are or will using, so we can help answer your question better. :)

