what size computer monitor would you recommend?


New member
I am working off a small 15 inch and i've decided tht i need to get a bigger one lol.

what size monitor would you guys recommend for me?
i don't really wanna go dual as i'd rather just have one.
The biggest one that will fit in the space and you can afford. My DAW computer has a 32 inch monitor and I could still use more room.
I use three, two 19's and a 17. Two of them are LCD, and I measured and they use about 60% of the electricity that the CRT's they replaced used.

There is an advantage to more than one. I used USB extensions and one is by my drumset with a keyboard and mouse and that's for laying down drums. The other two are at my keyboard, my main spot, and if one goes down you don't loose everything.

Here anyways, everyday there are free CRT's on Craigslist, often large ones like old Sony 21" ones I would have died for 10 years ago. One day a business had 400 to give away on Craigslist here, all businesses are changing to LCD's so CRT's are worthless pretty much.

I paid nothing for any of my monitors... actually about the last 7 or so were free.

I bought a 27" widescreeen LCD television, finally, when my old 19" cable TV finally shat the bed...

found a PC input on it, heh heh, so when I finally bought a used modern computer to be my music-only computer... I can compose on a H-U-G-E monitor... heh heh heh

I thught it was silly at first, but... I found a pixels to pick off a menu that filled up the whole screen... and I can now look at 8 bars at a time when composing, instead of the old 3 or 4 bars... I now HATE my 19" on my internet computer, lol

since I now use it as a TV and a computer monitor both... next time I will buy a 40" lcd tv, its kinda neat... as a bonus, my half decent music speakers on that "music only" dedicated computer (no internet connection ever *shudder*) make watching DVD movies sound a lot better...

I know how SILLY a 27" (or bigger, lol) TV used also as a computer monitor sounds, but... once you USE one like that, you will never wanna go back toanything else...
...when my old 19" cable TV finally shat the bed...

Do you have any pics of that?

I'm picturing a television having a bowel movement, which is hard enough to visualize, and then what comes out?

A bed.

I know how SILLY a 27" (or bigger, lol) TV used also as a computer monitor sounds, but... once you USE one like that, you will never wanna go back toanything else...

I agree, after a sale on tvs at a local store here, we bought two 50" and my other 46" became my monitor. Takes a little to get used to and you probably want to sit back a bit because it will definetly strain the eyes. I love it though and its always a conversation started to new people coming into the studio.

To the OP, yeah this one is left to you. Whatever you can afford/get your hands on. I actually decided on going to dual monitors so there is no switching back and forth between windows.
This is what I use.

The bad part is that I have to sit in the neighbor's house when I mix. :eek:

I've been using this:

On a good weekend I can get 2-300 cars (at $10 a car) in there watching me edit drum tracks on Cubase... plus I sell the regular stuff - red licorice and $2 chocolate bars. The sound on those metal speakers is kinda getting to me.
I run a quad monitor setup so I'm probably not the most representative opinion, but as a restrained suggestion... :p

Any widescreen above 21.5" with a decent resolution (1920x1080 or greater).
I've been using this:

On a good weekend I can get 2-300 cars (at $10 a car) in there watching me edit drum tracks on Cubase... plus I sell the regular stuff - red licorice and $2 chocolate bars. The sound on those metal speakers is kinda getting to me.

OK. You win. :p:D
OK. You win. :p:D

Ya, I win but I loose... tonight there was a younger crowd and I thought "who doesn't like hi hat?". After about 20 min of editing hi hat everybody started to leave and a couple of people got really pissed off at me... after a hour there was only a couple in a station wagon under a blanket (?) so I'm not sure about this... :(

v01d - where are you located? If you can, go on Craigslist and get a free 19" monitor... just thinking about using a 15" monitor gives me a headache!
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Ya, I win but I loose... tonight there was a younger crowd and I thought "who doesn't like hi hat?". After about 20 min of editing hi hat everybody started to leave and a couple of people got really pissed of at me... after a hour there was only a couple in a station wagon under a blanket (?) so I'm not sure about this... :(

v01d - where are you located? If you can, go on Craigslist and get a free 19" monitor... just thinking about using a 15" monitor gives me a headache!

It was probably those little metal speakers. You should hang some NS10's on the car windows.

And where are those free 19" monitors? Where do I need to live to get one of those?
It was probably those little metal speakers. You should hang some NS10's on the car windows...

I'm thinking 18" Cerwin Vega sub cabs, hanging on the window of a Mini. :)

... And where are those free 19" monitors? Where do I need to live to get one of those?

In the Honolulu Craiglist there's been a flow of them in the "Free Stuff" section. Businesses are getting rid of them for LCD's... most business already have switched over. I see them every week in the "Free Stuff" section here. One day a guy had 400, it was a whole building of offices. CRT's are very unhip in 2010, so I'm guessing that this is not limited to where I am, hard to imagine it would be.

I just went to the Austin, TX Craigslist, punched in "monitor" in the Free Stuff section, and there were 6 free ones in the last month.