What should I get to maximize my AT2035's Quality ?


New member
So i have an audio technica at2035 and i want it to sound as good as possible my budget it 600$ and under. So what could i possibly get the make the quality the absolute best for rap vocals.
Interface with a pre amp. I have a mobile pre with a 2035, and there is some noise but I'm not convinced it's not room noise. Quality cable, good set of headphones for tracking. Sound treatment for the room or at least one of the portable reflection filters, pop filter and a lot of free time.

Be willing to take your time and read alot, and learn. Understand why you're getting certain noises will save you alot of headache. Also be willing to take a step back and realize that your skill level may not be where you thought it was (or in my case maybe there was no skill to begin with). I suggest reading some of the stickies around the forum to learn more about different areas.

good luck!
Thanks man ! Does a pre amp reduce noise ? I've read around and that was one thing that people said it did most. Also any preamps you recommend ?