What recording magazines do you read?

...All guys posted above me are liars. They all readed Playboy for sure. Ultimate real recording source they got for years. Me ? Same, beside Electronic Musician.

...ones with pictures of naked speakers.....drool.....ummm, and oh yea, same as everybody else. Depends on the articles that month, if they're relevant to me at the time.

I do think I learn more from the BBS's though...
I got subscriptions to tape op and Mix and I pick up the occasional EQ mag. Even electronic musician sometimes.
Even though it's not a recording magazine.....I think every recordist should read Stereophile or The Absolute Sound. You can really learn a lot about subtle details in sound if you get past the $1500 speaker cables.
I wish tapeop would send their magazine all the way up to me in Canada.

Stupid Americans and your "free magazines" yeah well we have polar bears and curling! :D lol
I just print out the thread that I like.... Take it to the toilet..
and.. wham! Instant magazine.

Better than MIX, EQ or any other mag.

I subscribe annually to Sound on Sound (best UK mag - www.sospubs.co.uk) and occasionally read FutureMusic and ComputerMusic. They're not really in the same league as Sound on Sound though, which is definitely more superior editorially.
Re: Magazines

Khapahk said:
I subscribe annually to Sound on Sound (best UK mag - www.sospubs.co.uk)

I am surprised SOS isn't mentionned that much in here. It is a GREAT mag. Every month great interviews, helpful Q & A, often interesting and really helpfull workshops and honest equipment reviews (insteead of other mags who just say every product is great to please there sponsors).

Maybe this is because the mag isn't that well know in the US?