what reasons do you guys have for using cakewalk?


New member
i used it for about a year, but started using cubase when i got my firepod because it came with it, & i got some plugins.

i was just wondering if there were any compelling reasons i should keep using cakewalk...

meh, none specifically. i havn't used cubase since version 1. For me it was the support that cakewalk offered. More compiled info on sonar so it is easier to do what you want with it.
Cakewalk products (Sonar, HS) are easier to use IMO. I can use them right out of the box without ever having to look at a manual or Tutorial. It was never the case with Steinberg.
I bought a soundcard a while back that came with a "lite" Cubase edition. I gave it a shot and found it very difficult to learn. The only reason I would choose Cubase over Cakewalk is the native VST/VSTi support without the need of a VST adapter. There are no free VSTi adapters that I know of although there is a VST free wrapper online somewhere. You have to buy an adapter/wrapper to use VSTi's in Cake. That's sucks bigtime because the majority of free plugs aren't DX.

I still choose cakewalk anyway, it's so easy to use.
etnoziroh said:
I bought a soundcard a while back that came with a "lite" Cubase edition. I gave it a shot and found it very difficult to learn. The only reason I would choose Cubase over Cakewalk is the native VST/VSTi support without the need of a VST adapter. There are no free VSTi adapters that I know of although there is a VST free wrapper online somewhere. You have to buy an adapter/wrapper to use VSTi's in Cake. That's sucks bigtime because the majority of free plugs aren't DX.

I still choose cakewalk anyway, it's so easy to use.

Sonar includes a VST adaptor.
To each their own...I tried them both (and others) just made sense and seems to work for me...there are demos available...give it a try...if you don't like it...don't buy it.
To answer your question: For me it is the best for midi and audio... by far.

Take Care
:cool: ACKUS! :cool:

Glory glory Halelujah!!! :D

All Cool Kids Use Sonar!

(...Even the "poor man's" version of it :D )

I've been very happy with Guitar Tracks Pro (v3). It doesn't do midi but certainly is easy to use and also has the Sonar "engine". Good manual. Very stable.

I've been a sonar user since the company was 12tone systems and the product was cakewalk dos and it didn't do audio.

but i've tried demos of other software like cubase and samplitude and none of them offered the complete feature suite for both midi and audio the way that sonar does.

incidently, i have a music friend of mine who shined me on when i offered to make beats for him because i was using sonar instead of pro tools. this is his first solo project (his jazz/r&b band is pretty famous around the DC area) and he wants it to sound PRO. the quality i achieved for my artists EP is better than his first single.

software is just a tool. I'm the engineer... and i fuckin' rock!!! he was visibly jealous when he heard one of our songs playing in the club during a break in his band's set. did I mention that I ROCK! take that you smarmy bastard! you and your pro tools can eat a d**k.
rpe said:
I've been very happy with Guitar Tracks Pro (v3). It doesn't do midi but certainly is easy to use and also has the Sonar "engine". Good manual. Very stable.


Same here. Plus it's got a VST wrapper
Like crosstudio I've been with Cakewalk since the company was twelve tone systems & the sequencer was Cakewalk (2.0 to be exact). Before that I used Voyetras Sequencer plus on a floppy but when that messed up and I had a lot of trouble getting back up I was dead set on NEVER using software with copy protection ever. Today I've broken that promise to myself, but it is great to at least have the main software in the studio not burdened.
Cakewalks software has pretty much been solid over the years. I've never had to get support for technical reasons. The few times I've had to deal with Cakewalks support for other reasons they've been great, fast and responsive - and always on my side.
To me it's the best DAW software I've tried (and I've tried others), easy to use and very powerful. Cakewalks stuff may not always be the most feature-stuffed out there (but right now they're damn close) but their pricing has always been great and their care for their customers too. They do make mistakes but they acknowledge and try to fix.
So I'm staying with them if nothing unforseen happens...
2 reasons:
1.Tried Cubase for one day, couldn't do nothing with it, tried cakewalk pro audio 9 and after one day Had a sequence done.

2: Sonar does a lot more than I need, why would I change?

Now sonar is my choice. I don't want to learn another software, don't have time for that
