What picking technique is this?

musicsdarkangel said:
One thing you need to realize though, although they are awesome, is that they are pretty much rolling the same shape in different areas of the neck.

At least that's what my ears tell me.

exacly but it's like that with most types of playing, people using the same scales and phrases over and over again in different keys and positions. that's why bluegrass sounds like bluegrass and yngwie sounds like yngwie.
Rolling is very different then alternate picking. It is easier, he isn't alternate picking like Yngwie, instead he is rolling.

Basically rolling your hand so that all of the fingers pick. He's doing the same movement all over the neck.
HAHAHAHH! I love hearing peoples' reactions the first time they hear an awesome bluegrass player! Those banjo and mandolin guys that can REALLY get after it are something to behold....the cool part is that most of the really awesome ones you can see these days are over 60 years old! And some of us poor lowly guitar players have a hard time with a major scale in sixteenth notes at 60 bpm....oy, have we got a lot to learn, my fellow guitar enthusiasts!

and shredding is just scales, right. And when Yiggie finger taps all those alternating notes with the fingers on his right hand, it counts as just using one pick since he is still holding it.

Don't underestimate these guys and explain away what they are doing.

Yes banjo players roll--picking with their thumb and two fingers, a style invinted by Earl Scruggs in the '40's, but the roll's pattern changes many times in a song and NO they are not just holding the same chord position on different places of the neck. Heavy metal power chords don't work on banjos. They are more complicated than that.

Ever seen a concert violinist play? The next time you do, watch their left hand and fingering. Thats what guitar and mandolin flatpickers and banjo players do.

If you didn't like the samples, that's fine. Just don't insult their playing and talant with some lame passive aggressive remark.

If rolling is so much easier, let hear you give it a try.
Doesn't anybody around here like Al Di Meola. He's one of the better shredders and his music sounds good too!

I think it's called circular picking, where you whole hand stays still and only the thumb and index finger move by bending at the joints as if you were writing.