What mixer?


New member
Hello all, I'm in the middle (OK beginning!) of setting myself a studio up and for a start I've got myself a TASCAM 388 which is in very nice condition. I eventually want to get myself a 16-track recorder (in a year or so) and so I obviosuly want to buy myself a desk that will cope with it all from the off. I'm after 24 channels, 8 bus and thats about all I've given thought to so far.......

My real question is can anyone recommend any specific makes or models to keep an eye out for? I'm worried about getting stuck with something that isn't sufficient for me.

Any help would be hugely appreciated........

Cheers guys,

Anything Neve! (LOL)

It really depends on your buget, brand preference and if you are considering new or used.

Naturally, in the Tascam dept. the M520 or M3700 come to mind.
(The 520 is 20 channels X 8 Buss, but can basically be had for a song if you consider the prices of what's out there new.)

Well, the Tacsams have really plummeted in price lately, and a 24 channel 8 bus Tascam in good shape can be found for $500 with some luck. I can't comment on how the sound quality is compared to the Mackie 8-bus, but the prices are easily less than half.

I mean, thats what you'd pay for a Behringer!

Tascam M312 or M320 would fit very well with the 388. They are from the same era and have a similar layout to the mixer section of the 388.

In fact, The 388 mixer section was based on the M300 series mixers.

The M320 is four channels shy of your stated 24, but it's a sweet mixing board with a reasonable price tag. There are some advantages to having separate mixers rather than one large board. Add an M308 or M312 when you move to 16 if you really need those extra inputs.

Tim :cool:
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Re: Mixer

Thanks for that guys, mu budget is slightly flexible so I'm not too fussed at how much I pay (although I'm no millionaire!). Based upon the advice you've given me, I think I'm going to go for the M320 or the 520...... Can I ask what the difference is between the two of them? I'm not familiar with either model..........

Sorry if it's a stupid question.


Rich :)
This is very limited (Taken off of Ebay) and doesn't at all answer your question. (Sorry)

20 Channels, 4 Subgroups, 4 Aux sends, 2 Effect sends, 2 Stereo returns. Direct outs and inserts and on all channels, Talk back mic input, Tape inputs.

20 Ch 8 buss mixer with 12 VU meters. External 4 rack space power supply. Features include: Solo Funtion, Talkback, lk-10k-40k test tones, XLR balanced in's and out's. Balancing amp, 1— 30db pads. Phase reverse, 100mm faders, very smooth, 3 band graphic eq and semi-parametric eq, direct in's and more!

I have pics of both units, but M-520's are too large to post here... PM me if you're interested in getting them via Email.

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  • tascam m320.webp
    tascam m320.webp
    27.2 KB · Views: 373
The difference between the M520 and the M320;

The M520 would offer all of the same functionality as the M320B with these additional features;

8 program busses

2 phonograph moving magnet inputs.

2 direct box inputs for interfacing directly with electric guitars and basses.

Phase reverse switching to accommodate wrongly wired microphone cables and to assist in creating stereo mixes of mono tracks.

AFL & SIP solo cue systems.

Optional top and side wood trim kits to allow for placement of near-field monitors on top of meter bridge.

Optional stand kit to place the M520 at proper desk height and accommodate placement of the 520S rack mountable power supply.

Cheers! :)
Re: M320 or 520

Well between you, you've answered my questions guys, thanks very much! I'm going to go for the 520 because that looks ideal to me. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for one.

Thanks again!



BillyFurnett said:
Hey Ghost,

So is it that the 520 has the Direct Box circuitry built into it on two channels?

According to the paperwork I have on it, yes.

How good they are compared to a stand-alone DI box is a different question which I can't answer.

Perhaps if ARP gets his going, he could answer that one.

I hope he finds that power supply umbilical cable somewhere.:)

Any luck with that, ARP?
Man I've been searching for a few hours now and then for the elusive power cable for Reel... No luck yet, but I HAVE come across a few spare parts dealers and various other sites of interest which could sometime prove useful. (Maybe)

It's a killer idea to have DI channels!
(What happened to that damned company???!!!)


OK, I had a 520 lined up to buy and its all fallen through......

With me being in the UK, it's difficult getting hold of suitable gear.

I was wondering, as opposed to the TASCAM520, what would these desks below perform like??

I appreciate the Soundtracs a different number of channels to the 520 but I suppose my main question, is will its quality be less than that of the 520?? I suppose not, but any advice would be cool.


Also, with this one below, putting aside the different number of channels, I'd just like an opinion on whether or not it might be worse (or better) than a TASCAM520???


I appreciate these are very vague/strange questions...... but I'm just after another opinion on them more than anything.


I don't have any hands on experience with Soundtracs mixers but, looking at the info on them from the two auctions, both would appear to be newer designs then the M520 and the second one with limited automation on it would put it into a completely different league then the completely manual Tascam model.

If you are interested in automation and staying in the TASCAM family of products, you should look at the M3700 which is an 8 buss, 24 or 32 channel board with built in automation and every other conceivable feature.

Cheers! :)