what makes compressors clip


New member
hello all,
I have asked this before but never realy got an answer. I have a dual tube compressor that clips out all the time when I use it on drums. I set the input level as low as I can set the attack fast and release slow. Ratio is 2:1 and I still get clipping as I gently pull turn the threashold to the left. I can't even get any real compression at all without the needle bouncing to the left when the snare hits. What causes this? How can it be resolved? I thought mabey better tubes would fix it but I haven't heard either way from this forum.

The compressor is a bellari rp282. It has two bellari tubes. I believe they are ec83.
I'll shut up about it and move on to better questions if you could help.
fill us in

If your attack time is set too fast, you may be chopping off the transient. This will create a square wave, square wave = distortion. Try rolling the attack time back a little. Also check to make sure you aren't having a level mismatch. Is all your gear at +4? Are all your cables balanced? Do your mics have built in pads? Are you going into a pre-amp first? So many questions...

Tom Cram
dbx Senior Technical Support
(801) 568-7530
here's some clairification. yes all the ins/outs and cables are ballanced I am going into the comp from a channel insert on my mackie 1604 vlz pro. I believe that is post preamp. The clipping is audible: A pop where the snare should be. The problem just seems to get worse by pulling the attack back.

Reach out and touch someone

The guys at Bellari/Rolls are located here is SLC too. They are super-cool and will be happy to help you out. Call them @801 263 9053. It sounds like there might be something wrong with your unit.

Tom Cram
dbx Senior Technical Support
(801) 568-7530