what kind of vocals for this?


New member
let me know what you think of this song. dont know how to attempt vocals, or what kind of vocalist to look for. so i need some help here.
dont even really know what exact genre to call this. maybe epic garage rock/hardcore? i dunno.. tell me what you think. go ahead and critique the mix/recording as well because i need general suggestions on this as well. thanks.

see my post on the MP3 mix critique forum for more info on how i recorded.
i reckon a gritty voice - a female's would also work quite well i reckon....just as long as its quite gritty.
hmm...well the guitarist i am playing with is a female with a good 'gritty' screamy type voice. cool. thanks for the input.
mate, get her on there!! im thinkin something courtney love-ish for a female singer, or nickelback-ish gruff voice for a bloke singer.

have a go and keep us updated with the result...