What kind of soundcard would i need to do this?


New member
hey guys,

im using CEP 2.0 and say for instance i was recording drums and id have 6 mics...id like CEP to recognize each mic as a different track when i record. how would i go about doing this with a mixer? what kind of soundcard would i need?

If you want 6 seperate tracks, you will need a sound card with atleast 6 inputs. I have a Terratec EWS88/MT($369 on www.newsoundcard.com). It has 8 inputs which will record up to 8 seperate tracks. Before I got this card, I would just use the main out of my mixer into the line in of my soundblaster. You will only have one track this way. I would just record a track and listen to see if i need to adjust any levels. The multi-tracking sound card is well worth the money just for the time it will save you.
You can get the Delta 1010LT for less than 300 dollars these days. No breakout box and everything is on unbalanced RCAs, but if you need lots of ins and outs on the cheap...
The Delta 44 will cost you $200.

You can still record 6 mics using your mixer by grouping some together. Say
Kick main out left -> delta input 1
Snare main out right -> delta input 2
2 oheads aux out left -> delta in 3
2 toms aux out right -> delta in 4