What is wrong with my recording :/

HI there, this is my first post. I was just wondering if anybody could tell me things that need changed or things I have did wrong in this recording. This was my first attempt at mixing. Thanks!

Sorry, it wont let me post the link to my recording....

You need to have something like 15 posts here before you can post a link, go to the 'get your 10 posts here' thread and post away!
Wow! This is good for your first attempt! Really :) The guitars are killing the vocals though, turn guitar down and bring the vocals up.
I was just wondering if anybody could tell me things that need changed or things I have did wrong in this recording. This was my first attempt at mixing.
Did you write the song ? It's got a lovely feel and riff. 240v has a point about the guitars being a bit loud for the vocal but I wouldn't turn them down straightaway because they've got some wicked bite. I'd see if you could get away with putting the vocal up a bit first.
Also, can you share with us the equipment you used in tracking and mixing ?
I think if my first attempt at mixing had sounded even close to this, I would've been walking on the moon.
Thanks a lot for the feedback.

The equipment I used was:
Focusrite saffire pro 24
Focusrite Octopre

Kick- AKG D112
Snare - SM57
Toms- sennhesier e604
Overheads- Pair AKG C451B's

Guitars and vocals were both SM57 also.

It was a song from a band I was in at the time.
Just adjust the levels to sound as they would be in the stereo spectrum, rhythm in back guitars in a little further in front vocals in front of all floating over the instruments. Aside from that, this is a damn good recording otherwise. Mixing is the only issue I can hear and that is a simple fix, good job!
I agree with what appears to be the general opinion here; I'd bring up the vocals a bit, and maybe, but only just maybe drop the guitars back. Raising the vocals might just do it by itself. Good song, good tracks!
Thanks a lot for the feedback.

The equipment I used was:
Focusrite saffire pro 24
Focusrite Octopre

Kick- AKG D112
Snare - SM57
Toms- sennhesier e604
Overheads- Pair AKG C451B's

Guitars and vocals were both SM57 also.

It was a song from a band I was in at the time.

Sounds pretty good ( if first time)..Try mixing ( monitoring) this again in mono..You'll probably hear what everyone's talking about the guitars being a little loud..Probably get better levels across the board..Good job.!
If this is a first attempt, then very very good.. Absolutely need to get the lead vox out front & center... the "mono" mix suggestion was a very good one. I'd explore another pass or two at mixing the levels to get everything to play "nice" with each other in the soundfield.
Great job though!!