what is this mic?


New member
hey all....

i played at this coffee house here in san diego last week, and the vocal mic was just perfect for me. however, i was so happy with it that i got all into my set, and completely forgot to check what mic it was.

anyway, it looked kinda like a c1000s, but it was black, with no switches on it. but it was that kinda long narrow shape, with a flat side...

he had really really thin windscreens on all the mics, too, so i couldn't even look down and see a number or brand or anything.

anyone have any ideas? i need to buy one of these immediately. if noone knows, i'll just go down and ask the guy, but it's not very close, so....

yeah, anyway.


Hey, I have a better idea. Why don't you post the address to the place, or the name at least, and the closest person to the coffee house can go check out the mic and report back to us.

Or, in the time that it took for me to post this message, you could have called the place and asked the manager what kind of mic that was.

Just a suggestion,

Blind Cowboy...
wow, i can't believe i didn't think of that. i mean, wait... um.... duh.

if that was an option, i would've done it.

i'm not asking random people on the internet to go to a coffee house for me. it's called twiggs, in san diego, though, in case someone else from SD has played there recently.

the venue portion of the place is completely separate from the coffee side. they aren't open, except when the show's going on, and you can't call in to that side of the building. so i will have to go down there. it's not that big of a deal to do at some point, i was just hoping someone might have fun trying to figure it out, and be right.

anyway, thanks.


A Sennheiser wouldn't be a surprise. I worked with a drummer who, literally, went through a set of mics every other month, trying to find the sound he wanted. Shure, AKG, AT, EV---he was trying everything he could get his hands on. We thought he went from one great setup to another but he just wasn't satisfied. Everybody in the band probably has memories of him hooking up different mics all over the drumset. One day he walks in with Sennheisers---just two of them! One for the kick, one for trap. That's it---just two. Then we finally realized what he was looking for because the drums just sounded---BIG! Open, clear and BIG! We were really impressed.

After a month or so, he traded 'em in and resumed his quest for the elusive whatever. We just shook our heads.

A good Sennheiser can be a great stage mic---you end up treating it like an instrument, not just a piece of equipment.

no, it wasn't that one. that's a great mic, though!

if you've seen a c1000s, it's long and round, except like half of it is flattened on the side. kinda hard to explain i guess...


thanks guys.

a c1000B???

The singer in a band I play with has a black c1000. I think it's a "b". THe silver one's are "s". I have no idea what the difference is. His works absolutely great with his voice. This is rare in my experience.
now if only i could find the slightest bit of information about the c1000b, i'd be SET! haha... sounds like that's probably it, though. if you get a chance to ask your singer and make sure that's the model number, it'd be awesome. i can't find any info on that model number, which is weird, cause the venue had like 6 of em, so they can't be THAT rare...

but yeah, thanks for your help!
