What is the secret of mastering&mixing? Please help.

In the past three posts, I've asked you three questions and gotten nothing but bile in place of actual answers.

All I asked was if you thought your actions in making the Internet version of "prank calls" to these forums was what you said it was (I'm not going to quote again because I'm trying to be nice here) why you persisted in acting that way then, and thn twice asked where I insulted you.

I have not once in these posts made a comment with regards to you or your posts, with one exception: I did respond to your claim that I over-post and insult by responding that I actually post less than you do. I then defended the purpose of my posts. That's all that happened. Period.

If you take those as "insults" to your posts or your character, I can't help that other than to suggest that you might want to relax and chill out a bit, man.


SouthSIDE Glen said:
I can't help that other than to suggest that you might want to relax and chill out a bit, man.
You're absolutely right. I refer the right honourable gentleman to 'Exhibit PM', your honour. :)
Case dismissed! :D

Now go kick ass on your exams and then party until you puke your guts out :p

...well...maybe not *that* much ;)

Last exam tomorrow afternoon, Star Wars in the evening and my team in the cup final on Saturday. It's going to be a good weekend! :D:D
2B continued...

SouthSIDE Glen said:

The secret to engineering is the same as the secret to musicianship.



That is probably the mst useful tip you'll get. But if your looking for more, you'd probably be best starting of with an explanation of what tools you have to work with (music style, microphones, recording gear, etc.)

OK then can I upload anywhere here any of my stuff? Thanx.
Freddy G
noisedude said:
At least have the decency to stand by your words. I came here to share and learn too, and I've been doing at least half of that since long before I actually signed up to be a member.

You 'stooped' to whatever you're on about by setting about me to start with. So what if I'm prickly? Jeez, at least I'm self-aware. You carry on making snide comments and claiming you never saw them if you like. I couldn't give a shit what 'posterity' makes of either of us - there are decent and talented people here and I will continue to listen to them. The jerk-offs, well I have the benefit of an undermoderated and anonymous forum ... for whatever sad worth that can provide!
Noise, what side of the bed did you get up on this morning? Why are you attacking this gentleman? I do believe he is knowledgable in his answers. You know, I think that he and Northsiderap both are contributing to this forum. You are cranky from all that cramming and exams coming up.Get some sleep.It will all be better in the morning.... :)

I appreciate your words, but no need to worry; Noisedude and I have kissed and made up. :)

Unfortunately, though, I did apparently manage to piss off a signifigant number of other anonymous readers here who threw red chicklets at me in private like they had a sale on rotten tomatos. To those, I apologize here for making your forum experience worse instead of better. I'll try not to repeat the experience.

And eurt, now that The Man From Leeds and I have reached an accord, it's probably best to let it lie as it is. It's too late to save me, but it's not to late to save yourself from any more rotten tomatoes that may be left.

true-eurt said:
Noise, what side of the bed did you get up on this morning? Why are you attacking this gentleman? I do believe he is knowledgable in his answers. You know, I think that he and Northsiderap both are contributing to this forum. You are cranky from all that cramming and exams coming up.Get some sleep.It will all be better in the morning.... :)
You chose a fine time to become literate young lady! :mad:

By which I mean .... duh .... yeah ....

My revision has gone badly. Count the hours with me, it's 8am here (midnight for at least some of the USA) and at 1pm I go in for torture, and at 2:30pm it's somehow all over again.

Seems a lot of stress over a glorified memory test.

Did we ever conclude what the secret of mastering and mixing was then? ;)
noisedude said:
You chose a fine time to become literate young lady! :mad:

By which I mean .... duh .... yeah ....

My revision has gone badly. Count the hours with me, it's 8am here (midnight for at least some of the USA) and at 1pm I go in for torture, and at 2:30pm it's somehow all over again.

Seems a lot of stress over a glorified memory test.

Did we ever conclude what the secret of mastering and mixing was then? ;)
:confused: As for me...I am still in a world of ignorance... :eek: :D
Good luck Noise!!!!.... :)
corban said:
eurt, do you have multiple grammatical personalities?
I do believe I have a duplicitous nature, receiving a bit of gratification indulging in grammatically correct/incorrect post.
Of course some would refer to it as "The "Sybil Syndrome"........ :D
noisedude said:
I can't believe no-one else suspects. I started not just a trend but a barrage of fake usernames, joke characters and pretend newbies with $7-8000 to spend on a mic, and by the way, can I buy a punch-in compressor please.

It's beyond stupid.

I agree. you're a total douchebag. on top of it your advice is horrible. you really have nothing to offer.
noisedude said:
The jerk-offs, well I have the benefit of an undermoderated and anonymous forum ... for whatever sad worth that can provide!

if you want to look cool and intelligent, why dont you help the newbies out.
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Falken. Hi there! Glad you could drop by. Er ... except ... who on earth are you and why do you want to watch me f*cking myself?! :confused:

i am just a person. like anyone here, I had to learn this stuff myself. I ask a lot of questions and dont always like the answers but I try to answer as many questions as possible too. I dont fly by questions asked by total newbies. I really love this stuff and I think they should too. you know what I thought when I found this board?

finally, an interactive community of fellow revolutionaries.

really, I was in my own little world. I did not think that there were others out there, like me, who wanted to take on the record industry. I did not think that there were SO MANY other people, like me, who wanted to make records at home. and change things. and make it more real, and less packaged. and less expensive. and less commercial.

I can't wait when to see it when it is cohesive and strong. because it will be a worldwide movement. maybe even the largest worldwide musical movement to date. bigger than funk. obviously that poses a threat to some people and want to see it stopped.
2 things -

1) I am myself a newbie. Make no mistake - I claim no great authority over these matters!

2) I know exactly what you mean. I find being into what I'm into, doing music, reading about gear, learning how to record and so on, it's all rather lonely. Not that many people are into this stuff, and lots of my friends think I'm a bit of a nerd to be honest. That's probably the only reason I still post on these sites, not because I can't get my questions answered using the search function, but because I enjoy the interaction of learning amongst 'peers' or at least fellow nerds. Ho hum. :)
The Secret to Mastering is this.

Studying the effort for a few years reading everything you can find.
Working your butt off to afford the high end processors required to do a good job. This would be things like Manley multiband compressors, GML EQ etc. as well as perhaps a SADIE system.

Building a listening environment where subtile changes to EQ can be heard such as 1db changes anywhere across the human frequency range. Purchasing some decent high end monitors and putting them in this environment. Also, a big comfortable couch is required at the sweet spot of the room.

Making a lot of mistakes and refining your ears and talent.

Or, you can simulate all this by putting parametric EQ, multiband compressor, and a tape saturation plug in on your two buss. Play with the knobs until it sounds better on small, midsize and large speaker systems. (You will still have to read a ton to even know what you are trying to do with the knobs.) Your results might be tolerable but probably not something you would want to burn and distribute.