What is the best way to hook my stuff up?


New member
Alright, I know I don't have the best equipment, but I want to know the best way to hook up the stuff I have.

Yamaha emx 660 powered mixer
Ross 15 band stereo EQ
Behringer MDX2200 composer
Delta-66 soundcard

Alright... The yamaha emx doesn't have stereo, but it has main/monitor which will act as stereo. Assume I want to record a vocal and guitar at the same time. I send vocals into the mains and and guitar to the monitors. These are then sent to their respective channels in the ross and behringer before going to two separate inputs in the delta. What I'm asking is this: Should I use the outputs for main/monitor in the front of the emx, or can I send everything through the speaker outputs in the back? What should come first, the eq or the compressor? I don't want to try anything, because I don't know very much about power, and I'm scared that I'll fuck stuff up
what ever you do...DO NOT SEND YOUR POWERED OUTPUTS FROM THE MIXER INTO THE DELTA-66!!!!!!!!!!! You dont really want to use the powered outputs for anything when recording...well...maybe monitors if you want to monitor while tracking. just dont put an amplified signal into anything that is expecting line level signals.
Question...if I ran a mic say through my mixer and out a direct out to an input on a Delta soundcard...that's okay, right?
thajeremy said:
what ever you do...DO NOT SEND YOUR POWERED OUTPUTS FROM THE MIXER INTO THE DELTA-66!!!!!!!!!!! You dont really want to use the powered outputs for anything when recording...well...maybe monitors if you want to monitor while tracking. just dont put an amplified signal into anything that is expecting line level signals.

well, if I'm using a recording program, as long as it registers my input around 0db, I should be ok right?
Sure, go ahead and ignore our advice and blow your Delta 66 before your recording software even has a chance to "register my input around 0db"


cheetah23 said:
well, if I'm using a recording program, as long as it registers my input around 0db, I should be ok right?