What is the best solution...?


New member
I am wondering what to do about recording a couple of guitars. Right now I am just running them through the amps and then through the preamps on the mixer.
I would like to buy a couple sm57s and mic them up, but we just recently got headphones/headphone amp because when we were monitoring through speakers it bled was too much into the drums mics. So I am wondering what a solution would be (e.g. still somehow mic up the amps, with a minimal amount being picked up by the drums, or just going directly in).
We are also in a small room with low ceilings, so that doesn't really help.

We have tried recording at different times, but we didnt perform as well as when we all play together. Is there any way to isolate the guitar amps somewhat from the drums?
You could put the amps in a different room, mic them and have all the cables run to the main room where the players and DAW are. Then give each player headphones from the mixer. Or, you can place dividers (called gobos) between the amps and the drum set to isolate them.

Are you not able to play each part individually, or are you just not getting a good band vibe? If you can't play each part individually, then I'd suggest practicing more (unless it some sort of free jazz thing). Any band that can't do that isn't ready to be recorded. If it's just the vibe thing, then what I suggested initially should help.
yeah, its just the vibe. wow gobos are expensive. are there any other options, or DIY that would be as affective, or close to it?