What is the best bang for the buck kick drum mic?

busted kitty

New member
I want to buy a really kick a$$ kick mic, but I don't want to fork out the dough for a AKG D12. What is a cost effective, but still great sounding alternative?
The ATM-25 is another good Audio-Technica mic, and not much more expensive than the Pro 25. I think I paid $125 for mine at a local shop. The Audix D4 is another inexpensive but good kick/bass dynamic.

The ATM25 sounds great on bass amps and Leslie bottom rotors, too.

Hey guys.

I don't know if this has been asked before, but:

Can the ECM8000 be used as an effective Kick Drum mic? It is certainly cheap

Just curious.

JOAT said:
Hey guys.

I don't know if this has been asked before, but:

Can the ECM8000 be used as an effective Kick Drum mic? It is certainly cheap

Just curious.


Probably not, but hey, you never know.

Kick drums and bassier instruments usually benefit from a large-diaphragm mic with a cardiod to hypercardiod pattern - that's pretty much the opposite of the ecm's.

I wouldn't push my luck. With a kick mic as good as the at pro, I wouldn't go asking for any cheaper. Bad karma.
Thanks for the info, Chessrock and Kent.

I was just curious, since my recording facility (bedroom) does not support live drum micing......... or loud anything for that matter.

You know something, the 57 doesn't do too bad of a job on the kick. I've used it with some success. However, for really rockin' stuff, I'd use something beefier.
Wow...those are interesting samples. I'd rate them in the following order, from thinnest (1) to beefiest (4):

1. AT Pro25
2. MD421
3. RE-20
4. EMC8000

#4 was a surprise, at least to me.

By 2" away from the beater do you mean from inside the drum per the usual technique? The ECM seems to be picking up quite a bit of shell. In the right song context that could be quite the killer kick sound.


rtzstudios: Thanks for taking the time to record an post the samples. They were indeed an eye (er... ear) opener. Lots of beef in the ECM8000!

If I may indulge, you would have a D12 around that you could post also, do you?

B3nut, yeah I meant from the inside of the drum.

JOAT, I don't own a D12 but I could borrow a D112 from a friend...unfortunately it wouldn't be until next week.