What is the advantage ??

Julian Myrick

New member
I have been using guitar tracks for over 10 years I am wondering what advantage there is in Sonar ?

Also considering going to a USB interface I am using a Samson Mixer to interface now I never use MIDI I liker to play all the parts my self

ID there any better audio advantage to USB Does it sound better ? Have more band width? or is it quieter

Is it better or faster Any help here would be Appreciated

Thank you Julian
1. Guitar tracks is all in the title. It's aimed towards guitarists. Sonar will be for those who want to mix more than that. There's more to it than that simple explanation, but that is the big one.

2. An interface should sound better than a mixer as it's usually more focused on the converters while mixers must focus on Preamps, EQ, Gain, Aux, Pan, and ins and outs, AND THEN the converter. Is USB quieter? Quieter than what? More band width? More band width than what?