What I worked on this past (US) holiday weekend: Italian music!

For some reason this makes me want to get shit-faced on wine - sounds pretty authentic to me.
Wow. Really great job singing this one! I haven't heard this tune in ages.

I like the backing as well. Something a bit stuttered about the rhythm, like the drums are just rushing a bit or the other instruments are lagging behind just a touch. I dunno though, it's pretty good.

I mean, the whole thing is panned in such a way that it gets pretty crowded in the middle, and there are times where the vocal gets lost a bit amidst the other parts, but it's such a dynamic vocal, it's probably hard to get it consistent, and I wouldn't expect you to mix in in a terribly modern fashion anyway. It does sound pretty authentic as is, and for that, I thank you.
Nice work.

I see what Heat's saying. There could be more room for each instrument. It's not debilitating tho everything's pretty clear.
Thanks everyone for the listens so far. I posted the mix late at night and neglected to add a few notes. So, here goes.

1) I'm in the band, but get no credit for the excellent singing (I'm on bass).
2) So we could all play together, we tracked several months ago in a local, full-time studio, not at "home"; I'm just responsible for the mix.
...the whole thing is panned in such a way that it gets pretty crowded in the middle...
...There could be more room for each instrument. It's not debilitating tho everything's pretty clear...

What sort of pan settings (and for which instruments or parts) would you suggest? I tried to carefully set up the left-right sonic space for everything, and am having trouble imagining how else to do things. Would you just take things as they're laid out now but make them "wider", or maybe just move the background vocals wider and leave everything how it is, or something completely different?
Agree the singer is great. The whole band is pretty good.

Mix sounds pretty good. Agree with Heat that it's kind of bunched in the center. Then you could nudge up the accordion and guitar a little bit.

The vocal gets a little harsh sounding on a note or two here and there.