What Happened to ADK Pro Audio? Out of Business?


Culture Of Convenience
I've been trying to call them all day long at 859 635 5762 straight off their website:

Page not found | ADK Pro Audio | 859-635-5762 | This is the Pro Audio gear and Digital Audio Workstation you've been looking for

And all I get is "The number you have dialed is the incorrect code please check the number and dial again"

or "This number is unavailable at this time please call again later."


If they went out of business a note on their website would have been nice. An automatic reply when sending an email to them would have been just dandy.

I need tech support!!! I've been dead in the water since Friday afternoon.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
When you type the company name in Google maps it gives the address of the company in Alexandria, Kentucky but it also says in red "Permanently Closed." So. I'm guessing that means they are permanently closed?

I've done business with these guys for ten years and they have always been courteous and professional. I know others on this forum have also done business with them because it was somebody on this forum who suggested them to me when I was DAW shopping ten years ago. Now I don't talk to Scott or Chris on a regular basis so if somebody knows something I would appreciate any information you could give me.

Yes, their website works fine, at least as of this writing, however it was actually down for about an hour earlier today and the phone number doesn't work and they haven't answered my emails which is out of character for them. I even tried calling them on my wife's phone, thinking maybe it was something with my phone, but it just kept ringing and ringing.

So what's up? Are they out of business? Are they in the middle of a move? Do they got me on a 'pay no mind' list? Did they get raided by the FBI or IRS and hauled off to jail?

Any information would be appreciated.
When you type the company name in Google maps it gives the address of the company in Alexandria, Kentucky but it also says in red "Permanently Closed." So. I'm guessing that means they are permanently closed?


I had a look via Google Maps.. Thanks for the clarification. I thought it may have been an oversight on your part - with their site being up and all. Apologies if I put you off.

Looks like their FB page is gone too.
Hello - I'm a long-time customer of ADK Pro Audio. They went out-of-business a couple of months ago. I spoke with Chris Ludwig who is still providing support at $25/hour and said he hopes they are able to find new ownership but I have not heard anything about that.

I don't want to publish his email address publicly but if you message me, I'll be happy to give it to you.
Well ain't that just a crying shame 8>{
I ended up taking my system to the PC repair shop down the street who did a fantastic job fixing it. Of course it wasn't free

But thanks for the info and I hope they can get back up and running soon.
Well ain't that just a crying shame 8>{
I ended up taking my system to the PC repair shop down the street who did a fantastic job fixing it. Of course it wasn't free

But thanks for the info and I hope they can get back up and running soon.

You're welcome. I will be considering Sweetwater for my next system as it's unlikely they will go out of business!