what guitar should I buy?

Posted this lastnight but got latenight anxiety and realized I couldn'e delete the post so I edited it away.

It's morning I feel better now. I really want an american strat but my father has a 1979 gibson les paul and I want something reasonably priced because I got to buy a ton more stuff to build my home recording studio.

here is what I am looking at: This epiphone was sugested for cheap guitar on youtube...
Epiphone Les Paul Studio LT Electric Guitar - Walnut | Sweetwater

this one I like the style and the maple fret board, and plus it's on sale today.
Michael Kelly 53DB Electric Guitar | SamAsh

I feel dumb asking online and also thought maybe I should take it slow because I got to learn to use my tascam because I don't have a computer specifically made for producing and money debt stresses me out.
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I think I asked you before not to do this. The edit tool is there for corrections but it can be revoked per-user.
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Posted this lastnight but got latenight anxiety and realized I couldn'e delete the post so I edited it away.

It's morning I feel better now. I really want an american strat but my father has a 1979 gibson les paul and I want something reasonably priced because I got to buy a ton more stuff to build my home recording studio.

here is what I am looking at: This epiphone was sugested for cheap guitar on youtube...
Epiphone Les Paul Studio LT Electric Guitar - Walnut | Sweetwater

this one I like the style and the maple fret board, and plus it's on sale today.
Michael Kelly 53DB Electric Guitar | SamAsh

I feel dumb asking online and also thought maybe I should take it slow because I got to learn to use my tascam because I don't have a computer specifically made for producing and money debt stresses me out.

What kind of music are you planning on playing? What amp (if you are getting one)? What's your playing experience? The Epiphones are good value (Gibsons are overpriced), but often the pickups on them are not the best. The MK is a Tele style with humbuckers, never could understand why someone would choose buckers on a Tele - and that one has an 'ashtray' bridge plate, so a humbucker in the lead position seems a strange choice.
What kind of music are you planning on playing? What amp (if you are getting one)? What's your playing experience? The Epiphones are good value (Gibsons are overpriced), but often the pickups on them are not the best. The MK is a Tele style with humbuckers, never could understand why someone would choose buckers on a Tele - and that one has an 'ashtray' bridge plate, so a humbucker in the lead position seems a strange choice.

I'm thinking a blackstar amp.Blackstar ID:Core 100 2x10" 100-watt Stereo Combo Amp with Effects | Sweetwater

I got this cheap pedal brian eno used (GDI21 V -TONE GUITAR DRIVER). I want to play rock songs and record on an 8 track, maybe a little country and experiment and smoke some pot.
I like the affinity with maple fret board. My tascam is working, it's in chicago with sam palermo. All I needed was a voltage converter because it's a European model. I am ready to start buying stuff.

You believe that though, TAP electronic didn't test it out properly. lol. they had for for three months.
... My tascam is working, it's in chicago with sam palermo. All I needed was a voltage converter because it's a European model. I am ready to start buying stuff.

You believe that though, TAP electronic didn't test it out properly. lol. they had for for three months.

That's a great early Christmas present ;)

I had a 38 R-R the local "Authorized" repair shop ran me around in circles with (Chuck Levin's in Wheaton, Md). Audio out on Track 1 would quit. When they gave it back, 1 worked but Track 2 had no audio out. Each time I took it in it would come back with 1 and 2's problem swapped. It was an unbelievable situation. Never did resolve the issue. That was in the 90s and I just used my 688 until I took a long break from music. Switched to digital after that.
People ask these questions on musicians forums all the time and they're pointless. It's personal. Nobody can pick an instrument for somebody else - that is why there are so many in music shops, yet people still can't find the one they really like.

I play bass. I'm also in a tribute band - and I bought an American Jazz Standard for authenticity. It's the worst bass I own, and I have 6. It has a tone I hate, but is appropriate and doesn't object to being hit hard, and stays in tune despite being thrown around in the van. My favourite is jazz and pop and my favourite guitar plays great, sounds great and can be played quiet. I would never dream of telling somebody what instrument they should buy - go to a music shop and put a cluster of all sorts in your price range and play them. Buy the one that you like playing.
... and I bought an American Jazz Standard for authenticity. It's the worst bass I own, and I have 6. It has a tone I hate, but is appropriate and doesn't object to being hit hard, and stays in tune despite being thrown around in the van. ...
I had an '89 Fender MIJ Power Jazz Special that must have been the twin to your American Jazz Standard as far as tone, staying in tune and 'throwability'. I never recorded with that one but did play several gigs I'll never forget - ugh! The feel and playability were terrific, though.
If you're planning to do country I would think a tele or strat would be the way to go. I like G&L's Tributes over the typical Mexican Fender, but that's just me. I know people who swear they have to have a LP with a fat 59 neck. I know others who just love a strat. I've got a dozen guitars. I play them all. They sound different, feel different, play different.

Only you can decide what type of guitar you want and can afford.
Nobody can pick an instrument for somebody else
They can if it's your Mum and it's your 16th birthday ! :D
I would never dream of telling somebody what instrument they should buy
My dreams are unpredictable.......

I do sometimes, if someone asks and I'm feeling awkward enough. But whatever I recommend is always going to be my preference. I don't really care how it will be for someone else because I can't know that. The best I can do in all honesty is to say "I like such and such."
Not long ago, I wondered why I liked Fender Strats and Teles, Gibson Les Pauls, Epiphones and Rickenbacker basses. I've never held any of them, let alone played them. I realized that they happen to have appeared on a few songs I've liked. But so have tons of other instruments that I'm ignorant of and I came to the conclusion the whole business was illogical. Now I don't care. The instruments I have sound like what they're supposed to sound like and that's enough for me.
Last month, my wife was watching a documentary on the tail end of the slave trade and there was a woman on it talking about and playing a banjo and I thought, "I like that sound." I'd thought it for about 30 years actually, ever since I got into Irish folk music but something resonated with me and I figured I'd buy one. I looked about, found one cheap and despite the warnings online about cheap equipment, I bought one. I'm not really interested in people's advice or recommendations. Anyway, I've never played banjo but I really like it. I've already recorded on a few songs with it and what I like about it is that............it sounds like a banjo ! I don't know if it's great or lame quality. It does what it's supposed to do which is to provide banjo colour in my songs !
I’m lucky enough to have a nice guitar collection. Being honest, the really nice ones to play are the worst looking ones. The ones I bought because nobody else wanted. The best looking one I have is the worst to play, so it looks great on a wall hanger, where it lives. As for presents, I still have the 12 string acoustic my wife bought me in 1980, and it still has the original strings which shows how nice that one is to play. My favourite acoustic is a dirt cheap one that just plays nicely. Worst online purchase was my first fretless bass. I didn’t know it was fretless, and assumed all fretless basses must sound like this. They don’t!

If you pick for somebody else, you pick your likes and don’t pick your dislikes. That’s what any present is.
'Rock' is way too inclusive a term to define the type of music you want to play. If you want to do 'country' (fairly inclusive these days too), a single coil pickup is typically used (think Tele with standard pickups).
First off......I own the Epiphone Les Paul Studio LT. I also own 1 1976 les Paul. I bought the Epiphone because I needed a guitar to use at practice...as my old LP was getting a little worn. The Epiphone is NOT a REAL LP. It's not a dog at all...but it's not an LP in any way.

If you're set on a Strat.....go for a Mexican Strat. I have one and it IS VERY CLOSE to an American model. The Squires are also good....but not quite there IMO.

I might have missed it but is your dad giving you the LP for free? If so.....go for it!!
I am not in the LEAST qualified to respond here, played a sixer decades ago but bass later on. However OP might like to hear of my son's experience?

Been playing guitar (lektrik, classical, piano, clarinet, bass, bull and lekky bit of trumpet...flash git!) since 14 now nearly 50.
He has several guitars but one he is constantly unsure of, a Rickenbacker (336? Looks like Lennons but ain't, quite) He is always about to sell it and buy something else, fat jazz jobby was his last idea but then picks up the Rikky and changes his mind! AGAIN! The guitar has THAT sound but weedy pickups and is a bit of a one trick pony, nice to play mind he says.

All the above waffle is going to saying "Beware the guitar with limited tones, much though you might love what it does do well"
I have included a clip of the guitar. He was noodling along to the backing track and did not know his Mackie EM-91c LDC and SM57 were also live and recording.



Dig it

dig it.webp
For my opinion if you want an American Strat but money is an issue by a Mexican Strat. They are well crafted and a bargain new or used. You will be happier with this over a Squier IMO.
Don't stress out.
Enjoy journey, not destination.
Put the priorities first.
I start mixing this year, and before everything i bought books to learn and not waste money on amateur choices.
You can buy a cheap guitar then sell it to buy another better one, and repeat.. or save money long time for a good one ?
I went to + 20 guitar stores to buy a guitar. Only a couple of sellers explain me how a good guitar is made of.
Is all a system ( guitar + amplifier + room ) that can make you inspire in a way like another person would not understand