What Exactly is a Balanced Out?


New member
Ok, on the outputs of the DMP3 you've got 2 outs labeled "balanced". I've been patching them to my daw using what basically look like short guitar cables, which I think are unbalanced, correct?

What should I be using? What is a balanced out/in?

Thanks for any help.

Balanced connections use 2 conductors with a common ground. They are generally either 1/4" or XLR. You can use a balanced cable (TRS- tip-ring-sleeve), but that only makes sense if your soundcard has a balanced input, which I doubt. By using a TS connector(tip-sleeve- like a guitar cable), you are "unbalancing" the connection, which is really OK. There is a slight loss of gain, about 3db, and you'll get increased noise in long runs of cable, over 15 feet. For your purposes, an unbalanced connection should work fine.-Richie