what equipment would i need?!


New member
Hey all, eventually I would like to set up a studio in my bedroom, I already have an Apple iBook, Roland TD-6 electronic kit and a couple of guitars to hand. I have been looking to purchase a sound card, which i think my final choice, which is an M-Audio Firewire 410. I am also wishing to purchase a sampler, and I have been looking at the Roland 303 Dr Sample or 505. Will I be able to use the sampler in a software version for example importing sounds in Cubase, or will the hardware sampler be much better. I will not be using anything for live work, just laying tracks down using the equipment above?

I am quite new to the whole technology side of things, and just need some advice on the setup above, I would want to make songs such as electronic/dance/acoustic. For example Lemon Jelly or Mr Scruff. Cheers!
Sorry for being dumb but whats ADA conversion! Also I have been reccomended ProTools? Would this be as good as Cubase or Garage Band for the stuff I want to make? Thanks again
Whoever recommended Pro-Tools to you was goofy. The only thing you can afford or should use at your novice level is the free version.

Do you have any idea how much a *real* Pro-Tools setup costs?


Even the cut down versions of PT like the Digi02 costs well over a thousand bucks and *still* needs a computer to run on.

At this stage your best bet is to learn as much as you can, read a lot both online and in book form, and experiment with whatever inexpensive tools you can get ahold of.

Remember how life goes: first you roll over, then you crawl, then you toddle around, then you walk, then you run, then you can sprint, then you can train for a few years to be in the Olympics....