What else do I need for my studio?


New member
Currently I am working on a computer based system running Adobe Audition 1.5 with more plugins than I am capable of mentioning. Basicly I am trying to get opinions/advice on what you think I am lacking as a well rounded home studio.

A/D and D/A:
Motu 828 MKII

Trident S20 (2 channels)
Trident 4T (1 channel)
FMR Audio RNP (2 channels)
Presonus MP20 (2 channels)
Plus there are 2 pre's on the Motu

Urei La-4 (1 channel)
Plus there is a compressor and eq on the Trident 4t

shure sm57 (1)
shure sm58 (1)
shure beta 57 (1)
shure beta 52 (1)
rode nt-5 (2)
akg c3000 (2)
Oktava MK-319 (1)
Sennheiser MD421 (1)
Neumann TLM-103 (1)
Audio Technica AT2020 (1)
Audio Technica AT2021 (1)

I definitely feel I need a new set of monitors because mine really aren't that great. Well they are extremely accurate but have very little bass response because they only have about a 4" woofer. So I am trying to decide between the Alesis M1 MKII Actives and the Wharfedale Diamond Pro 8.2's which are also active. Anyone have any input on which of the two would work better in a well tuned room?

I also think in the future I want one more additional channel of pre, potentially a channel strip. Then tracking recently I noticed I have had better results compressing before going into the computer as opposed to after, so I've been looking into various compressors such as the distressor (I'd love a distressor for snare). Then as I am starting to get more and more I've been looking into patchbays.

So I guess my main question is, from looking at my gear, what do you think I am lacking? Yes I know the saying, make more with what you have, but I'll admit I am a gearhead (not in any way to be confused with a gear slut because unlike some with truckloads of gear.... I use every peice of mine, and if not I have no problem selling it) and I have come to realize with the more gear I get, the easier it makes my job as an engineer. (It is no longer getting a great sound, it is now getting the sound that I want and have in mind for the project). Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
You have a nice setup, I would bypass Motu pre's and just use the pres you have mention. Yes!! You do need monitors, Why don't you work on a good pair.. I have JBL and Genelecs, granted I sppent a grand on each speaker so that can be pretty spendy. I would look into a mixer check out Mackie new onyx series, or Soundcraft, It looks like you do live recording? in your home studio, I'm not sure if you record whole entire bands if you do where is your noise gate or are you just using the DBX 266 comp/limiter/gate? Also do you have a patch bay or are you using the Motu Cuemix? I would think, it would be a hassle to switch out each preamp for a different sound at the input.. Do you have any external synths or drum machines that you use when you record or someone brings in along with live recording? Also by any chance did you modified the Oktava Mic? I heard it sounds great when you do this
I do alot of projects with bands doing demos and full length albums, but when I'm doing this I work with another guy who has a whole lot of nice gear as well.
Just to name a few items: Langevin Dual Vocal Combo, Sytek 4-channel with the burrbrown opp amps in 3 and 4, another urei la-4, 2 emperical lab distressors, Toft Dual FET compressor, vintaga RCA preamp, great river single channel pre, then another motu 828mkII, a 2 channel 48k apogee rosetta, Groove Tubes GT44 GT66 and GT67 as well as an older groove tubes, 2 more md421's, and some other gear. So when I am doing large projects we have plenty of gear but I am more or less trying to build up my arsenal and am trying to decide what the next step should be. As for gates, I never really use gates while tracking I just end up gating in the computer afterwards when needed but very rarely. No I do not yet have a patch bay im just always back crawling behind the racks with a flash light and a million cables (as we like to refer to as medusa). I have been meaning to look up that article about modifying the oktava's. Are you referring to the case modification or the actual circuitry?

Oh and thank you everyone for your input
I was referring to the case mod.. here is the link http://oktavamod.com/mk319.html

I do not yet have a patch bay im just always back crawling behind the racks with a flash light and a million cables (as we like to refer to as medusa).
Yeah..... I would invest in about 3 to 4 patchbays, if you are using your gear and your friends together at least that many. What board are you running?
I think you answered your own question about the monitors and the patchbay.

The rest of your gear is fine. No reason you couldn't make some serious recordings with what you have there. Look in to maybe picking up some Blue Sky's ... perhaps some Tannoy Reveals, Genelec, or whatever else your ears take a liking to, that allow you to hear all of the bass, because, yea, you're probably missing out on some important stuff going on down there with 4" woofers.
If you like the BBs in the Sytek, drop a few in your MP20, best $10 upgrade I know of :) I ain't saying it's instant Sytek, but hey, it's $10, and it does sound better :cool:
If you're looking to 'round out' things

A couple of ribbons? I just think if I had the kind of cash that you must have to put into it, given what you've already got, aside from the monitor issue, I'd get some higher end mics. I'd lose the 3000s, get a couple of ribbons, an RE-20 or SM-7, and a pair of KSM-44s.

Of course, that's just me playing with your money.

I think this must be like what fantasy football is like for other guys.